NAV Navigation

Quick Start


The following is my most comprehensive API documentation sample. It is an example of a complete docs-as-code system. I authored and edited the content on this page, as well as created and maintained the OpenAPI 3.0 spec used to create the API reference docs. I also created and maintained the web page, with the help of a static-site-generator.

Welcome to Capstone LLC’s API documentation. From start-ups to enterprise businesses, Capstone will help you manage your customer’s experience from start to finish. The Capstone Hub manages the payment process for credit cards, alternative payment methods, international currencies, fraud mitigation, and more.

In this documentation you will find tutorials and our complete API Reference. To see what's new, check out our release notes. For more code samples (including PHP, Node, C# and plugin examples for WooCommerce and Magento), see our code examples on GitHub. To start sending test requests without writing any code, download and explore our Postman collection using the button below.

Run in Postman

Getting Started


To get started using the Capstone API you will need:

Base URLs and Environments

All endpoints are RESTful with the following base URLs:

  • Sandbox:

  • Production:

The sandbox environment allows you to run test transactions without affecting live data.

Once you have integrated with the sandbox environment you are ready to integrate to production with minimal changes. (Required updates include authentication information and encryption keys.)

Your First Request

A good place to start getting familiar with our API is by sending a request to the Who Am I endpoint.

A successful request to this endpoint will return information about the user whose credentials have been used to authenticate the request, including:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username
  • A list of merchants to which the user has access rights

To send a request, follow the steps below:

  1. Authenticate via basic authentication.

  2. Send a GET request to the Who Am I endpoint.

Example Request
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
Example 200 Response
  "cognitoSub": "g52679a2-tan5-4a56-b6gc-2592aedd373e",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "userName": "",
  "accessRights": {
    "merchantIds": {
      "100039": "A"
    "role": "A"
  "dateLastModified": "2019-03-08T00:58:27.893Z",
  "dateCreated": "2018-09-27T14:27:39.626Z",
  "enabled": true,
  "phone": "15555555555",
  "notifications": false

Next steps

Once you have successfully made your first request, you are ready to move on. Depending on your workflow, you may wish to:

Contact Us

If you have additional questions, our integrations team is happy to help:

If you would like to provide feedback on any part of this documentation, please email us at:


Basic Authentication

To authenticate with basic authentication you will need a Capstone username and password. Please contact integration support to create a Capstone account.

  1. Encode Your Username and Password

    Base 64 encode your Capstone username and password with no spaces, separated by a colon.

$ echo -n | base64
  1. Create the Authorization Header

    Prefix the value from step 1 with the string "Basic ".

Authorization: Basic bXluYW1lQG5leGlvaHViLmNvbTpteXBhc3N3b3Jk
  1. Send a Request

    Include the string from step 2 in authorization header of your API request.

curl -X get \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic bXluYW1lQG5leGlvaHViLmNvbTpteXBhc3N3b3Jk'

One-time-use Tokens


You will need a one-time-use token to load any e-commerce iframes or to save a card token via the API.

To get a one-time-use token, send a request to the E-Commerce One-time-use Token endpoint. Authenticate using basic authentication. Include any information you wish to pass along to the applicable iframe or popup in the body of your request. See the E-commerce One-time-use Token API Reference for a complete list of parameters.

Alternative Payment Methods

You will need a one-time-use token to load an Alternative Payment Method (APM) Iframe. To obtain an alternative payment method one-time-use token, send a request to the One-time-use Token (APM) endpoint. Authentication using basic authentication. Include any information you wish to pass along to the iframe in the body of your request. See the retail UI options section for a complete list.


  • CORS requires that every request for a one-time-use token must be sent from a server. If you attempt to send a request a frontend you will receive an error
  • One-time-use tokens for e-commerce iframes and alternative payment methods are not interchangeable
  • Not all body parameters that may be included in the body of a request for a one-time-use token apply to every iframe or popup
  • Each one-time-use token can only be used to submit a single form
  • Each one-time-use token expires after one hour

Flows & Operations


Capstone's Retail platform allows you to seamlessly integrate checkout and save card pages into your company's software, all while limiting your PCI scope.

Capstone's Retail payment forms can be accessed at

Capstone's Retail iframes enable you to:

  • Save Card: Save a credit or debit card token for use in recurring billing or one-time payments
  • Run Transaction: Process a credit or debit card transaction by keying in the card number or using a terminal

You can also choose to enable built-in fraud protection services, including:

Create a Retail Save Card Page

  1. Authenticate

    You may authenticate through either of the following options:

    • By using Simple Login
    • By going to and entering your Capstone credentials where prompted
  2. Load the Iframe

    Append the setting { "uiOptions" : { "saveCard": true } } to Capstone's Retail Iframe URL.

    See the examples below:

Save Card Iframe with Simple Login{%22uiOptions%22:{%22saveCard%22:true} }
Save Card Iframe without Simple Login{%22uiOptions%22:{%22saveCard%22:true} }
  1. Enter the Card Information
  2. Click 'Save Card'

Run a Keyed Transaction

  1. Authenticate

    You may authenticate through either of the following options:

    • By using Simple Login
    • By going to and entering your Capstone credentials where prompted
  2. Load the Iframe

    • The run transaction iframe will load by default
    • You may also select additional UI options as shown in the table below

    See the examples below:

Run Transaction Iframe with Simple Login
Run Transaction Iframe without Simple Login
  1. Select ‘Card (keyed)’ in the Payment Method Dropdown

    Note: If you do not see the Payment Method dropdown, your account does not yet have a terminal registered. If this is the case, contact Capstone Integrations for help getting registered with a terminal, then continue to step 4.

  2. Enter or Confirm the Amount

  3. Key in Card Information

  4. Click ‘Pay $X.XX’

  5. Create a Receipt

    The iframe will display a simple success page—it does not generate a default receipt. Use our response to create a success/confirmation page and your own receipt.


Customize the Iframe

To customize the retail/MOTO iframe, include a settings object as a query parameter in your request to You can include settings with or without a Simple Login key.

See the examples below:

Save Card Iframe without Simple Login{%22uiOptions%22:{%22saveCard%22:true} }
Run Transaction Iframe with Simple Login and a Default Amount of $20{key}&settings={%22processingOptions%22:{%22amountDefault%22:"20"} }

UI Options

Name Description
amountSet Prepopulates the amount field. User will not be able to change it
amountDefault Prepopulates the amount field. User will be able to change it
amountMax The maximum amount the user may enter into the amount field
hideAuthOnly Hides or display the Auth Only Checkbox (default: true)
hideBilling Hides or displays all billing fields (default: false)
limitCountriesTo If this array is nonempty, the Country Dropdown field will be limited to the countries on the list.

Note: These must be the two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country codes

merchantIdDefault Prepopulates the merchant dropdown. User will be able to change it
merchantIdSet Prepopulates the merchant dropdown. User will not be able to change it


Decline Recovery (BETA)

Note: This feature is in beta. Decline Recovery is a dynamic tool that helps ensure you don't lose revenue due to payment declines. When the Decline Recovery service is enabled, Capstone will automatically retry declined transactions at a more desirable date and time or with more complete customer information as available (for example, a billing address). You can use Capstone's Decline Recovery service when running card transactions with the API or card transactions run through the subscription service.


  • Decline Recovery does not immediately determine whether the payment will go through at a later date. It should not be used for payments for which the customer will be waiting for payment confirmation, such as through the payment iframe or your own form.
  • Decline Recovery will not attempt to retry transactions classified as hard declines. In general, hard declines require the issuer or cardholder to rectify outstanding issues. (See FlexPay's documentation for more information regarding hard and soft declines.)

With The API

You may enable Decline Recovery on transactions run directly through the Capstone API.

  1. Configure Your Account

    Contact integration support to enable Decline Recovery on your merchant account.

  2. Configure Webhooks

    In order to be notified when a previously declined transaction is successfully processed, you must configure webhooks for TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED, TRANSACTION_CAPTURED and TRANSACTION_SETTLED events. See the Webhooks tutorial for instructions on how to configure and receive webhooks. You may also wish to configure webhooks for other transaction events at this time.

    (Skip this step if you have already configured webhooks for all desired events on your account.)

  3. Post Card Information to Capstone

    Post payment details along with a previously saved card token to the Run Card Transaction endpoint. Include the object "processingOptions": { "retryOnSoftDecline": true } in the body of your request.

    If desired you may also choose to run an auth only transaction.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "data": {},
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "processingOptions": {
    "retryOnSoftDecline": true

Now, any successful transactions will be run as usual. Soft declines will be scheduled to be rerun at a later time.

  1. Await Success Confirmation

    Each time a transaction is retried Capstone will send a webhook (see step 2) with one of the following event types: TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED, TRANSACTION_CAPTURED and TRANSACTION_SETTLED. The webhook body will include the transaction status (data.transactionStatus), letting you know whether the transaction was successful.

Through the Subscription Service

You may enable Decline Recovery on transactions run through the Capstone Subscription Service.

  1. Configure Your Account

    Contact integration support to enable Decline Recovery on your merchant account.

  2. Configure Webhooks

    In order to be notified when a previously declined transaction is successfully processed, you must configure webhooks for TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED, TRANSACTION_CAPTURED and TRANSACTION_SETTLED events. See the Webhooks tutorial for instructions on how to configure and receive webhooks. You may also wish to configure webhooks for other transaction events at this time.

  3. Create a Subscription or Pay Plan

    Follow steps 1-2 of the Create a Subscription or Create a Pay Plan tutorial. Set the parameter payment.processingOptions.retryOnSoftDecline to true in the body of your request.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "amount": 19.99,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006"
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
    "processingOptions": {
      "retryOnSoftDecline": true
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "week",
    "intervalCount": 2

If the initial transaction is declined, the subscription will not be created. It must be re-created with corrected information (such as new card token, corrected billing information, etc.) Any future transactions that are declined will be rerun at a later date and time. (Up to 11 times within a 30 day period.)

Note: Subscriptions run with Decline Recovery have a minimum interval of 29 days.

  1. Monitor Webhooks

    Each time a transaction is retried Capstone will send a webhook (see step 2) with one of the following event types: TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED, TRANSACTION_CAPTURED and TRANSACTION_SETTLED. The webhook body will include the transaction status (data.transactionStatus), letting you know whether the transaction was successful.

Fraud Tools

Address Verification Service

The Address Verifcation Service (AVS) compares the address and postal code provided with the information on file with the credit card issuer. Capstone interprets these results and returns them concisely back to you, making it easy for you to determine which cards to save, giving you greater control over your risk management. You can use AVS while saving a card token with the Capstone iframe, with your own form, or through the API.

Contact Integrations Support if you have questions about address verification.

Enable AVS

With the Capstone Iframe

  1. Determine the Correct Setting

    Use the AVS Settings table to determine which AVS setting best suits your needs.

  2. Prepare the Iframe

    Follow steps 1-2 of the Create a Save Card Page With the Capstone Iframe tutorial.

  3. Request a One-time-use Token

    Request an e-commerce one-time-use token.

    Include the object "processingOptions": { "verifyAvs": <your AVS setting from step 1> } in the body of your request.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "processingOptions": {
    "verifyAvs": 3
  1. Load the Iframe

    Follow steps 4-6 of the Create a Save Card Page With the Capstone Iframe. Now, when the iframe is loaded an AVS check will be performed.

    Capstone will return the results back to you in the AVS response.

With Your Own Form

  1. Determine the Correct Setting

    Use the AVS Settings table to determine which AVS setting best suits your needs.

  2. Prepare the Iframe

    Follow steps 1-6 of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

  3. Request a One-time-use Token

    Request an e-commerce one-time-use token.

    Include the object "processingOptions": { "verifyAvs": <your AVS setting from step 1> } in the body of your request.

    (This is step 7a of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial.)

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "processingOptions": {
    "verifyAvs": 3
  1. Post Card Information to Capstone

    Follow step 7b of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

  2. Listen for Capstone's Response

    Follow step 8 of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial. See the AVS Response section for more information about the possible results included in the response.

With the Capstone API

  1. Determine the Correct Setting

    Use the AVS Settings table to determine which AVS setting best suits your needs.

  2. Request a One-time-use Token

    Request an e-commerce one-time-use token.

    Include the object "processingOptions": { "verifyAvs": <your AVS setting from step 1> } in the body of your request.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "processingOptions": {
    "verifyAvs": 3
  1. Post Card Information to Capstone

    Follow step 3 of the Save a Card Token with the Capstone API.

The AVS Response

When you check AVS your response will include an object called avsResults. See the example below.

Example 200 Response
  "token": {...},
  "card": {...},
  "data": {...},
  "avsResults": {
    "matchAddress": true,
    "matchPostal": true,
    "gatewayResponse": {...}
  "cardType": "visa"
Match Address

The results of the address check.

  • True: The address provided matches the address on file with the credit card issuer.
  • False: The address provided does not match the address on file with the credit card issuer.

(In this case, 'address' refers to the street address portion of the billing address. For example, if the address provided were 123 Sesame St. Manhattan, NY 10128, matchAddress would compare '123 Sesame St.' with the address on file.)

Note: Card issuers may handle address checks differently. For your convenience, Capstone returns a simple true or false regardless of the card issuer.

Match Postal

The results of the postal code check.

  • True: The postal code provided matches the postal code on file with the credit card issuer.
  • False: The postal code provided does not match the postal code on file with the credit card issuer.

(Using the example address above, matchPostal would compare '10128' with the postal code on file.)

Gateway Response

This part of the response includes raw details from the gateway's response to the AVS check. Format may vary by gateway.

Note: A gateway AVS error will not prevent the card token from being saved. If you received a gateway error during an address verification check, you may wish to delete the card token.

Test AVS

In the sandbox environment you may trigger matchAddress and matchPostal values by using the following postal codes:

Postal Code matchAddress result matchPostal result
56649 true true
39601 true false
53574 false true
49802 false false

Please be sure to use only the test postal codes provided in the table above.

AVS Settings

verifyAvs set to: Purpose
0 Do not perform AVS check
1 Always save card regardless of result
2 Do not save card if the address match fails
3 Do not save card if the postal code match fails
4 Do not save the card if either the address match fails OR the postal code match fails
5 Do not save the card if both the address match AND the postal code match fail
When verifyAvs is set to 0

You will not receive an avsResponse object.

When verifyAvs is set to 1
addressMatch postalMatch What will happen:
true true Card will be saved
true false Card will be saved
false true Card will be saved
false false Card will be saved
When verifyAvs is set to 2
addressMatch postalMatch What will happen:
true true Card will be saved
true false Card will be saved
false true Card will not be saved
false false Card will not be saved
When verifyAvs is set to 3
addressMatch postalMatch What will happen:
true true Card will be saved
true false Card will not be saved
false true Card will be saved
false false Card will not be saved
When verifyAvs is set to 4
addressMatch postalMatch What will happen:
true true Card will be saved
true false Card will not be saved
false true Card will not be saved
false false Card will not be saved
When verifyAvs is set to 5
addressMatch postalMatch What will happen:
true true Card will be saved
true false Card will be saved
false true Card will be saved
false false Card will not be saved

Device Fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting helps detect fraudulent behavior even when a user changes their IP address, device, account information or other identifying information.

You can enable device fingerprinting while saving a card token or running a transaction.

Enable Device Fingerprinting

With the Capstone Iframe

  1. Prepare the Iframe

    Follow steps 1-3 of the Create a Save Card Page With the Capstone Iframe or the Create a Checkout Page With the Capstone Iframe tutorial.

    Successful completion of step 3 will return the following:

Example one-time-use token Response
  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "fraudUrl": "",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2"
  1. Add the Device Fingerprinting Script

    a. Copy the fraudUrl from the above response.

    b. Add a script tag to your web page.

    c. Assign the fraudUrl to the script's src tag.

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
  1. Complete the Iframe

    Follow steps 4-6 of the Create a Save Card Page With the Capstone Iframe or the Create a Checkout Page With the Capstone Iframe tutorial. Now, when the form is submitted the user's device will be fingerprinted prior to the transaction being processed or card being saved.

    Note: Enabling device fingerprinting will not affect your UI.

With Your Own Form

While Saving a Card Token
  1. Prepare the Form

    Follow steps 1-2 of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

  2. Add the Device Fingerprinting Script to Your Web Page

    a. Request a one-time-use token. A successful request will return a response with the following keys:

Example 200 Response
  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "fraudUrl": "",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2"

b. Copy the fraudUrl from the above response and add it as a script to your web page.

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

c. Copy and store the token from the above response, we will use it in the next step.

  1. Load the Form

    Because of the script you added in step 2b the user's device will be fingerprinted when your page is loaded. Capstone will return the fingerprint as a browser event called fingerprintPosted

    Copy or store the value of fingerprintPosted. You will use it in step 4.

  2. Send Card Data and Fingerprint To Your Server

    Follow steps 4-5 of the Create a Save Card Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

    In addition to the card information, send the fingerprintPosted to your server.

  3. Post Card Information to Capstone

    POST the token from step 1, the fingerprintPosted, and the card information to Capstone.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "encryptedNumber": "cu3yRktaYFK2LUC6DpNK289tYDsGRCi7cO+GeG0hkeYFvT7Y8/oY5r53obMz6Q/BZ38gk2u2Ufwy8ojBcX2sfNjG5jplGTXA4NNlSIUjMFfiHe1sff1JFpThoiW/IIlifGlbWu+S1/9pqWPTzJ2+DcjwohbHzsDahhYewFhXgC8qsK0ypi/Shlp+CwRITyIvbVXESD0xz3YOTRHeZLlChvVqN8z4ZzN8nm0MXkmT1wcpYI73bH4KdnPwNU3s7XxvP/ernQP73SHHAOKSLlz4F6AEHFjJiCoXzeLF7LwEjRdxDJ0sKVXbRk3i9BGh+8Nle2VYgjpUWtk2763QkvZiQQ==",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20"
  "token": "eb50a022-d6de-4244-a1e6-dcb8522b2d19"
  1. Create a Success or Failure Page for the Customer

    Listen for Capstone's response. Use the response to create a success or failure page to the customer.

While Running a Transaction

There are two options for fingerprinting a device while running a transaction. You may create a new fingerprint at the time of running the transaction, or you may use a saved fingerprint.

If you choose to create a new fingerprint, you will need to perform a few extra steps in addition to what is typically required to create a checkout page With your own form.

Create a New Fingerprint
  1. Prepare the Form

    Follow steps 1-2 of the Create a Checkout Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

  2. Add the Device Fingerprinting Script to Your Web Page

    a. Request a one-time-use token. Do not include any of the transaction data. This step is only required so that you can get the fraudUrl for use in the next step.

    A successful request will return a response with the following keys:

Example 200 Response
  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "fraudUrl": "",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2"

b. Copy the fraudUrl from the above response and add it as a script to your web page.

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
  1. Load the Form

    Because of the script you added in step 2b the user's device will be fingerprinted when your page is loaded. Capstone will return the fingerprint as a browser event called fingerprintPosted

    Copy or store the value of fingerprintPosted for use in step 4.

  2. Send Payment Data and Fingerprint To Your Server

    Follow steps 4-5 of the Create a Checkout Page With Your Own Form tutorial.

    Send the transaction information and the value of fingerprintPosted to your server.

  3. Post Payment Information to Capstone POST the transaction information and the value of fingerprintPosted to Capstone.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  1. Create a Receipt for the Customer

    a. Listen for Capstone's response.

    b. Use the response to create a success (such as a receipt) or failure page to the customer. You may also wish to send a receipt to the customer via email.

Use a Saved Fingerprint
  1. Save a Card

    a. Save a card fingerprint while saving a card token. Capstone will store the fingerprint for 12 hours.

    b. By default, the stored fingerprint will be used when the card token is used to run a transaction.

  2. Create a Checkout Page Using the API

    Follow steps 1-4 of the Create a Checkout Page With Your Own Form tutorial. Include the card token in the body of your request when you POST payment information to Capstone.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  1. Create a Receipt for the Customer

    a. Listen for Capstone's response.

    b. Use the response to create a success (such as a receipt) or failure page to the customer. You may also wish to send a receipt to the customer via email.

Iframe Customization

Custom CSS

Capstone provides the option to provide a custom CSS file so that you can match your site's style.

To do so, follow steps below:

  1. Host Your CSS File

    Host your CSS file, available publicly.

  2. Request a One-time-use Token

    Send a POST request to the E-commerce One-time-use Token. Include the URL of your CSS file as a UI Option in the body of your request. See the example below.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "uiOptions": {
    "css": ""
Example 200 Response
  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "fraudUrl": "",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2"
  1. Load the Iframe

    You may wish to customize a:

    For example, the following request will return the HTML for a checkout page, with the style from the CSS file you specified in step 2.

Example Request
curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'One-time-use Token: API_KEY'


Capstone's subscription service allows you to run recurring transactions. These can be in the form of basic subscriptions or pay plans.


Subscriptions set transactions to run for a specified amount on a predefined schedule. When you create a subscription you will set the following parameters:

  • Amount: ( The amount that will be charged during each transaction

  • Interval: (schedule.interval) The schedule's time period. May be days, weeks, months or years

  • Interval count: (schedule.intervalCount) The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the table below for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule

  • Initial billing period (optional): If desired, you may set an initial billing period during which the transactions will be run for an amount different than the subscription amount. (For example, during a discounted trial period.) To set an initial billing period, include the following parameters:

    • Initial Billing Period End Date: (schedule.dateInitialBillingEnd) The date at which the initial billing period will end. Transactions prior to this date will be run for the initial billing amount. Transactions after this date will be run for the subscription amount.
    • Initial billing Amount: (schedule.initialBillingAmount) The transaction amount during the initial billing period

Subscription Schedule Examples

Interval Count Interval Explanation
30 Day Transactions will run every 30 days
4 Week Transactions will run every 4 weeks
2 Month Transactions will run every other month

Create a Subscription

  1. Determine your Settings

    Determine whether to include an initial billing period and the proper subscription settings. (These will generally be pre-determined by the shopper's selections on your checkout page.)

  2. Send a Request to Capstone

    Send a POST request to the Create Subscription endpoint. Include the billing amounts and subscription settings as determined in step 1.

The example below will create a recurring subscription that will run a transaction for 19.99 USD every other week.

Basic Subscription
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "amount": 19.99,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006"
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "week",
    "intervalCount": 2

The example below will create a recurring subscription that will run a transaction once a month. The transaction amount will be 15 USD until October 5, 2021. After that the transaction amount will be 25 USD.

Subscription with initial billing period
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "amount": 25,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006"
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 1,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-10-05",
    "initialBillingAmount": 15

Note: If the initial transaction is declined, the subscription will not be created. It must be re-created with a new card token.

  1. Configure Webhooks (Optional)

    If desired, you may configure webhooks to be sent every time a transaction is run through the subscription service. See the Webhooks tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to configure and receive webhooks.

    Note: You will continue to receive webhooks for any previously configured transaction events.

Example Request
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "merchantId": "100039",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""

Pay Plans

Pay plans set recurring transactions to run until the pre-specified balance is paid in full. To create a pay plan, create a subscription and include the following parameters in your request:

  • Balance: (schedule.balance) The total amount to be charged over the course of the pay plan
  • Interval: (schedule.interval) The pay plans's time period. May be days, weeks, months or years
  • Interval count: (schedule.intervalCount) The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the table below for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule
  • Amount (optional): ( The amount to be charged during each transaction
  • Duration (optional): (schedule.duration) The duration of the subscription. This is the number of transactions that will run before the pay plan terminates. If amount is not provided the duration will also be used to calculate the amount to be charged during each transaction

Note: You must provide either an amount or a duration. If you provide both, amount will be used, duration will be ignored.

Create a Pay Plan

  1. Determine your Settings

    Determine the pay plan balance and schedule. Also determine whether you would like to provide an amount or a duration (not both). These may be pre-determined by the shopper's selections on your checkout page.

  2. Send a Request to Capstone

    Send a POST request to the Create Subscription endpoint. Include the balance, schedule and amount/duration as determined in step 1.

The example below will create a pay plan with a balance of 100 USD. It will run a transaction once a month for 10 USD. After the 10th transaction, the balance will be paid in full and the pay plan with terminate.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006"
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "schedule": {
    "balance": 100,
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 1

The example below will create a pay plan with a balance of 100 USD that will run every month for 5 months. In order for the balance to be paid in full, each transaction will automatically be run for 20 USD.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006"
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "schedule": {
    "balance": 100,
    "duration": 5,
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 1
  1. Configure Webhooks (Optional)

    If desired, you may configure webhooks to be sent every time a transaction is run through the subscription service. See the Webhooks tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to configure and receive webhooks.

    Note: You will continue to receive webhooks for any previously configured transaction events.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic <Your Basic Auth>'
  -d '{
  "merchantId": "100039",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""

Dev Tools

Handling Errors and Declines

For most situations you will encounter a handful of error and success codes including 200, 401, 404, 400 and 500. The most common responses will be:

  • 200: Operation was successful

  • 4xx: Operation failed (In the case of payments, a 4xx status code means the payment was not processed)

Note: Due to PCI regulations error messages may often be intentionally ambiguous. Please contact us if you wish to discuss your error messages, or see our list of common errors.

Errors in the payment forms can be handled by adding an event listener to the window.

window.addEventListener('message', function messageListener(event) {
    if (event.origin === iframeDomain) {
        if ( === 'error' || === 'success' || === 'processed') {
        // handle success or error messages
        if ( === 'loaded') {
        //handle form loaded state
        if ( === 'cardSaved') {
        //handle cardSaved

Common Errors

Error Description Status Code
404 The requested item is not found 404
404 Merchant not found or invalid merchant configuration 404
409 No merchants enabled for processing on this account for selected currency 409
431 Kount has identified a possible risk with the transaction 400
432 Invalid currency 400
433 Invalid gateway 400
434 Invalid TokenEx configuration 400
435 Unable to process with gateway 400
436 Unable to capture void or refund 400
436 Missing required fields 400
437 Invalid CVC 400
438 Invalid request 400
439 Unable to load TokenEx 500
440 Insufficient access 401
441 Amount needs to be a number 400
443 Verify AVS Failed 400
5xx Generic server error 500

Frequently Asked Questions

Error Codes

Q: I keep receiving the error: '442 Invalid one time use token'. Why is my token not working?

Once a one-time-use token has been used to submit an iframe it cannot be used to load another. You must request a new one-time-use token prior to submitting each iframe.

Q: Why am I getting a 403 error when I send a request for a one-time-use token? I know my credentials are correct.

To request a one-time-use token you must send a POST request. Sending a GET request will result in a 403 Forbidden error.

Q: I'm getting a 440 error when I try to specify which merchant to process with.

To troubleshoot this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure there are no typos when you enter the merchant ID.
  2. Check that you have access to this merchant. You can do this by logging into the Capstone Dashboard. If you do not see your desired merchant in the merchant selector dropdown, contact CMS Customer Service
  3. Make sure you are sending the variable merchantId as a string and not as an integer.

Q: Why do I keep receiving a 431 'Error from Kount' error while testing?

Please note that Kount verification will be performed by default when saving a card token or running a card transaction. To solve for unexpected 431 errors while testing your integration, try either of the following solutions:

  • Make sure your tests do not include any of the values shown here
  • Disable Kount verification by including the parameter"processingOptions": { "checkFraud": false } in the body of your request. (See the Enable Kount Verification tutorial for reference.)

Q: Why am I getting an error saying Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter?

The following is a common AWS error: { "message": "Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date' or a 'Date' header. Authorization=Basic Og==" }

To debug it, please try the following:

  • Check that your HTTP method is correct. (For example, if the HTTP method is set to PUT when it should be POST you may receive this error)
  • Check that your request includes all required path and query parameters
  • Check your request for typos in the URL

If you still cannot resolve the error, please contact integration support.


Q: Can I test the iframes before integrating?

Yes! Once you have a Capstone account, you can use our Sandbox Tester.

Q: Are there any cards I can test with?

Yes. Test cards vary by implementation. Contact integration support for test cards specific to your needs.

Note: If you are testing with the Processing Option verifyCvc: true you must set the CVC equal to 111, otherwise you will receive a 437 Invalid CVC error.


Q: All payments are coming back as pending, are these actually successful? Can I mark the order as paid and ship product?

The status of pending means the transaction is approved but the batch has not yet settled.

Settled transactions will show a status of authorized.

You can be assured that any pending/authorized transactions will settle without any issue.

Note: Batch close time is typically at 11pm PDT.

See the Transaction Status table for more information.

Q: Is there a joint auth & capture method?

Yes! The endpoint is called Run Card Transaction. When you send a request to this endpoint, by default the transaction will be authorized and captured.

If you wish to run an auth only transaction, send isAuthOnly: true in the body of your request.

Q: I see two custom field entries, what are those for?

The two custom fields provided are optional for partners to use for reconciliation and/or reporting purposes.

Q: Is it possible to run an auth only using the iframe and then capture through the API?

Yes, you can use the Capstone iframe in AuthOnly mode then capture the sale later if that is best for your workflow.

To run an auth only in the iframe, include isAuthOnly: true the body of your request when you retrieve a one-time-use token.

You can then capture using the Capture Transaction endpoint of the API or through Capstone dashboard.

Q: Can I host my localization/translation JSON file as a GitHub gist?

Yes, you can host your sandbox localization/translation file anywhere you choose.

To use a GitHub gist to host your translation file, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a GitHub gist containing your translation JSON file

    • Note: The gist must be public in order for Capstone to access it
  2. Copy the gist's URL. It will look like this:

  3. Append /raw to end of the URL from step 2:

    • This allows Capstone to access the raw JSON file hosted in your gist repository
  4. Proceed to step 4 of the Iframe Label Translation tutorial

Note: These steps do not apply to the production environment. Production translation/localization files must be hosted by Capstone. See step 3 of the Iframe Label Translation tutorial for more information.

Reference Tables

Iframe Events

The following events may be emitted by various Capstone iframes.

The 'Iframe' column lists the iframe(s) that may emit that event. If 'All' is listed that event applies to all of the following iframes:

Event Description Iframe
cardSaved The card token has successfully been saved Save Card, Retail Save Card
eCheckProcessed The e-check has successfully been processed Run E-check Transaction
eCheckSaved The e-check token has successfully been saved Save E-check
error An error has occurred All
formValidations There are form validation errors All
loaded The iframe has finished loading All
initiate The user clicks 'confirm' to be redirected to the APM APMs
processed The credit card transaction has been processed Run Card Transaction
submit The form has been submitted All
success The credit card transaction has been processed Retail Run Card Transaction

Constant Values

When querying transaction data, the following numerical values are returned which represent the corresponding constant value.

Transaction Status (transactionStatus)

The tables below describe the transaction statuses for card and e-check transactions.

Please note that:

Card Transaction Status

Status Description Capstone Dashboard Status Transaction Service transactionStatus Payment Service transactionStatus
Auth Only Pending The payment is asynchronous and may receive a webhook notice with a status of authOnly in the future AUTHONLYPENDING 3 authOnlyPending
Authorized Pending The payment is asynchronous. The payment is pending and may receive a webhook notice with status of settled in the future AUTHORIZEDPENDING 9 authorizedPending
Authorized The transaction has been successfully authorized and is pending settlement AUTHORIZED 10 pending
Auth Only The payment is Auth Only and capturing is required to receive the funds. The transaction can also be voided AUTHONLY 11 authOnly
Declined The transaction was declined DECLINED 30 declined
Fraud Reject The transaction was declined by Kount prior to being submitted to the gateway FRAUDREJECT 32 fraudReject
Settled The transaction is settled. It can be refunded but not voided SETTLED 20 settled
Void Pending The payment is asynchronous and may receive a webhook notice with a status of voided in the future VOIDPENDING 39 voidPending
Voided The payment has been voided VOIDED 40 voided
Error An error has occurred ERROR 50 error

E-check Transaction Status

Status Description Capstone Dashboard Status Transaction Service transactionStatus Payment Service transactionStatus
Pending The transaction is pending PENDING 12 pending
Settled The transaction is settled SETTLED 20 settled
Submitted The payment was submitted to the bank for authorization SUBMITTED 13 submitted
Rejected The transaction was rejected REJECTED 33 rejected

Transaction Type (transactionType)

Name Value
Sale 10
Refund 20

Card Type (cardType)

Name Value
Visa 10
MasterCard 20
Discover 30
American Express 40
Unknown null

Process Method (processMethod)

Name Value
Card 10
Card Present 11
Card Not Present 12
APM (Alternative Payment Method) 20
E-check 40
Credit 50
Cash 60

Currency (currency)

Name Value
Australian Dollar 036
Canadian Dollar 124
Yuan 156
Yen 392
Won 410
Mexican Peso 484
Pound Sterling 826
US Dollar 840
Euro 978

Test Cards

Test transactions can be submitted using the following card numbers:

Issuer Number
Visa 4111111111111111
Mastercard 5431111111111111
Discover 6011601160116611
American Express 341111111111111

Supported Browsers

In order to provide the best user experience, we test our payment iframes on the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari 12
  • Internet Explorer 11

If you are having a browser-related issue, please contact integration support.

Full API Reference

Payments API Reference


One-time-use Token

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "card": {
    "businessNumber": "1234567890",
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "classification": "business",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "password": "12"
  "data": {
    "allowedCardTypes": [
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "processingOptions": {
    "checkFraud": false,
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "verifyAvs": 2,
    "verifyCvc": false,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "uiOptions": {
    "css": "",
    "customTextUrl": "",
    "displaySubmitButton": true,
    "hideBilling": {
      "hideAddressOne": false,
      "hideAddressTwo": false,
      "hideCity": false,
      "hideCountry": false,
      "hidePostal": false,
      "hidePhone": false,
      "hideState": false
    "hideCvc": true,
    "limitCountriesTo": [
    "requireCvc": false

POST /pay/v3/token

A token from this endpoint is necessary prior to loading any e-commerce iframe. The available and required parameters differ based on the iframe to be loaded. See the dropdown below to see which parameters are available and required for each iframe. All processing options and UI options for your iframes must be sent in the body of this request. Any data (ex. card or customer information) you wish to be pre-filled in your iframe forms must also be sent in this request. Any parameter included here will be overwritten if the same parameter is included in the iframe’s event body.

Note: Once a token has been used to submit an iframe it cannot be used to load another. You must request a new one-time-use token prior to submitting each iframe.

Body parameter

  "card": {
    "businessNumber": "1234567890",
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "classification": "business",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "password": "12"
  "data": {
    "allowedCardTypes": [
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "processingOptions": {
    "checkFraud": false,
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "verifyAvs": 2,
    "verifyCvc": false,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "uiOptions": {
    "css": "",
    "customTextUrl": "",
    "displaySubmitButton": true,
    "hideBilling": {
      "hideAddressOne": false,
      "hideAddressTwo": false,
      "hideCity": false,
      "hideCountry": false,
      "hidePostal": false,
      "hidePhone": false,
      "hideState": false
    "hideCvc": true,
    "limitCountriesTo": [
    "requireCvc": false

Example responses

200 Response

  "expiration": "2018-09-18T15:43:05.664Z",
  "fraudUrl": "",
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

The one-time-use token

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
expiration string false none The date and time at which the one-time-use token will expire, in ISO 8601 format.
fraudUrl string false none The URL to be used for device fingerprinting
token string false none Your one-time-use token

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Save Card Token

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "encryptedNumber": "cu3yRktaYFK2LUC6DpNK289tYDsGRCi7cO+GeG0hkeYFvT7Y8/oY5r53obMz6Q/BZ38gk2u2Ufwy8ojBcX2sfNjG5jplGTXA4NNlSIUjMFfiHe1sff1JFpThoiW/IIlifGlbWu+S1/9pqWPTzJ2+DcjwohbHzsDahhYewFhXgC8qsK0ypi/Shlp+CwRITyIvbVXESD0xz3YOTRHeZLlChvVqN8z4ZzN8nm0MXkmT1wcpYI73bH4KdnPwNU3s7XxvP/ernQP73SHHAOKSLlz4F6AEHFjJiCoXzeLF7LwEjRdxDJ0sKVXbRk3i9BGh+8Nle2VYgjpUWtk2763QkvZiQQ==",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "cardType": "visa",
    "securityCode": 927
  "token": "eb50a022-d6de-4244-a1e6-dcb8522b2d19",
  "data": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313"

POST /pay/v3/saveCard

Allows you to securely save a card token without a browser or using your own form. You may save a new card by including the card object or add existing TokenEx card token for use in Capstone by including the token object.

Note: Processing options must be sent in the request for a one-time-use token.

Body parameter

  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "encryptedNumber": "cu3yRktaYFK2LUC6DpNK289tYDsGRCi7cO+GeG0hkeYFvT7Y8/oY5r53obMz6Q/BZ38gk2u2Ufwy8ojBcX2sfNjG5jplGTXA4NNlSIUjMFfiHe1sff1JFpThoiW/IIlifGlbWu+S1/9pqWPTzJ2+DcjwohbHzsDahhYewFhXgC8qsK0ypi/Shlp+CwRITyIvbVXESD0xz3YOTRHeZLlChvVqN8z4ZzN8nm0MXkmT1wcpYI73bH4KdnPwNU3s7XxvP/ernQP73SHHAOKSLlz4F6AEHFjJiCoXzeLF7LwEjRdxDJ0sKVXbRk3i9BGh+8Nle2VYgjpUWtk2763QkvZiQQ==",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "cardType": "visa",
    "securityCode": 927
  "token": "eb50a022-d6de-4244-a1e6-dcb8522b2d19",
  "data": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313"


Name In Type Required Description
card body cardData true Credit card information
cardHolderName body cardHolderName true The cardholder's name as it appears on the card
encryptedNumber body string true The encrypted card number.
expirationMonth body expirationMonth true The month in which the card will expire
expirationYear body expirationYear true The two-digit year in which the card will expire
cardType body cardType false The card type. This information is required when saving a card through your own form. May be any of the following:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • discover
  • amex
securityCode body securityCode false The CVC code on the back of the card
token body token true A one-time-use token.
data body object false Additional optional data
currency body currency false The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
customer body customerCardToken false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate body birthDate false The customer's date of birth. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2001-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2001-08-26T13:35:00Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 998854500
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef body customerRef false Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email body email false The customer's email address
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
phone body phone false The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
shouldUpdateCard body shouldUpdateCard false The card's account updater enrollment tag
When true, the card or e-check token is tagged for registration with account updater
Note: The card or e-check will not be registered until the merchant account is enrolled. See this table for more information
tokenex body tokenexCard false A previously saved TokenEx card token. (Use this option if you have pre-existing TokenEx tokens you would like to start using through Capstone.) Conditionally Required if the card.encryptedNumber is not included
token body string false The TokenEx card token. Conditionally Required if the card.encryptedNumber is not included
firstSix body string false The first six digits of the card number
lastFour body string false The last four digits of the card number

Example responses

200 Response

  "card": {
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "kountResponse": {
    "status": "success",
    "rules": "{\"VERS\":\"0630\",\"MODE\":\"Q\",\"TRAN\":\"7V7D0V1BMKPX\",\"MERC\":\"717000\",\"SESS\":\"3bbb89edcd5742f18e2502ebb2bbb18b\",\"ORDR\":\"14233\",\"AUTO\":\"A\",\"SCOR\":\"29\",\"GEOX\":\"US\",\"BRND\":\"VISA\",\"REGN\":null,\"NETW\":\"N\",\"KAPT\":\"N\",\"CARDS\":\"1\",\"DEVICES\":\"1\",\"EMAILS\":\"1\",\"VELO\":\"0\",\"VMAX\":\"0\",\"SITE\":\"DEFAULT\",\"DEVICE_LAYERS\":\"....\",\"FINGERPRINT\":null,\"TIMEZONE\":null,\"LOCALTIME\":\" \",\"REGION\":null,\"COUNTRY\":null,\"PROXY\":null,\"JAVASCRIPT\":null,\"FLASH\":null,\"COOKIES\":null,\"HTTP_COUNTRY\":null,\"LANGUAGE\":null,\"MOBILE_DEVICE\":null,\"MOBILE_TYPE\":null,\"MOBILE_FORWARDER\":null,\"VOICE_DEVICE\":null,\"PC_REMOTE\":null,\"RULES_TRIGGERED\":0,\"COUNTERS_TRIGGERED\":0,\"REASON_CODE\":null,\"MASTERCARD\":\"\",\"DDFS\":null,\"DSR\":null,\"UAS\":null,\"BROWSER\":null,\"OS\":null,\"PIP_IPAD\":null,\"PIP_LAT\":null,\"PIP_LON\":null,\"PIP_COUNTRY\":null,\"PIP_REGION\":null,\"PIP_CITY\":null,\"PIP_ORG\":null,\"IP_IPAD\":null,\"IP_LAT\":null,\"IP_LON\":null,\"IP_COUNTRY\":null,\"IP_REGION\":null,\"IP_CITY\":null,\"IP_ORG\":null,\"WARNING_COUNT\":0}"
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "token": {
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313",
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
card object false none Card information
expirationMonth string false none The month in which the card will expire
expirationYear string false none The two-digit year in which the card will expire
cardHolderName string false none The cardholder's name as it appears on the card
data object false none Additional data, if provided in the request
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate string false none The customer's date of birth. The format returned matches the format used in the request that created the Card Token.
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email string false none The customer's email address
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber string false none The order number
phone string false none The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
kountResponse object false none Fraud data and rules
status string false none Will be one of three possible statuses: 'success', 'review', 'decline.' See our Fraud tutorial for more information
rules string false none Kount-specific information, including rules triggered. See our Fraud tutorial for more information
merchantId string false none The merchant ID (MID)
shouldUpdateCard boolean false none The card's account updater enrollment tag
When true, the card or e-check token is tagged for registration with account updater
Note: The card or e-check will not be registered until the merchant account is enrolled. See this table for more information
token object false none Card token information
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
token string false none The saved card token

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Save Card Token Iframe

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'One-time-use Token: API_KEY'

GET /pay/v3/saveCard

Returns an iframe that can be used to securely save a credit card token.


Name In Type Required Description
token query string true Your one-time-use token

Example responses

200 Response

"<html>A save card form</html>"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Run Card Transaction

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "description": "test purchase",
    "descriptor": "",
    "lodging": {
      "advanceDeposit": true,
      "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
      "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
      "noShow": false,
      "roomNumber": 14,
      "roomRate": 143.99
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313"
  "card": {
    "businessNumber": "1234567890",
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "cardType": "visa",
    "classification": "business",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "password": "12",
    "securityCode": 927
  "installment": {
    "period": 10
  "isAuthOnly": false,
  "processingOptions": {
    "checkFraud": false,
    "customerRedirectUrl": "",
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
    "saveCardToken": true,
    "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""

POST /pay/v3/process

Allows you to securely process a card transaction without a browser.

Body parameter

  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "description": "test purchase",
    "descriptor": "",
    "lodging": {
      "advanceDeposit": true,
      "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
      "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
      "noShow": false,
      "roomNumber": 14,
      "roomRate": 143.99
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313"
  "card": {
    "businessNumber": "1234567890",
    "cardHolderName": "John H Doe",
    "cardType": "visa",
    "classification": "business",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "password": "12",
    "securityCode": 927
  "installment": {
    "period": 10
  "isAuthOnly": false,
  "processingOptions": {
    "checkFraud": false,
    "customerRedirectUrl": "",
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
    "saveCardToken": true,
    "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""


Name In Type Required Description
data body dataExtended true Transaction data
amount body amount true The transaction amount
currency body currency true The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
cart body cart false Items purchased in the transaction
items body [item] false Details about items in the shopping cart
item body itemItem false Item number or code
description body descriptionItem false A description of the item
quantity body quantity false The quantity sold
price body price false The price per item
type body transactionType false The transaction type
customer body customer false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate body birthDate false The customer's date of birth. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2001-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2001-08-26T13:35:00Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 998854500
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef body customerRef false Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email body email false The customer's email address
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderDate body orderDate false The date of the customer's order. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2021-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2021-08-26T13:35:18Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 1630006518

Note: This is NOT a quick way to schedule a transaction. Specifying a date in the future does not cause the order to be run automatically at the indicated date or time.

orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
phone body phone false The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
description body descriptionTransaction false A description of the transaction
descriptor body descriptor false Include this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement. If this parameter is not included, the default descriptor (as set up on the merchant account that is originating the transactions) will be used. When applicable, this information will be passed along to gateway. Contact integration support if you have any questions about this parameter
lodging body lodging false Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit body boolean false Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate body string false The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate body string false The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow body boolean false Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber body number false The customer's room number
roomRate body number false The room's rate, per day
tokenex body tokenexRunCard true A previously saved card token.
token body string true A Capstone card token.
firstSix body string false The first six digits of the card number
lastFour body string false The last four digits of the card number
card body object false Credit card information
businessNumber body businessNumber false A string containing 10 digits
cardHolderName body cardHolderName false The cardholder's name as it appears on the card
cardType body cardType false The card type. This information is required when saving a card through your own form. May be any of the following:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • discover
  • amex
classification body classification false Possible values must be exactly as shown below:
  • personal
  • business

expirationMonth body expirationMonth false The month in which the card will expire
expirationYear body expirationYear false The two-digit year in which the card will expire
password body password false A string containing two digits
securityCode body securityCode false The CVC code on the back of the card
installment body installment false Creates an installment associated with the transaction. For a list of supported gateways, contact integration support.
period body integer false Values depend on the gateway being used. Contact integration support for assistance.
isAuthOnly body isAuthOnly false Set to true to run an auth only transaction
processingOptions body processingOptionsRunTransaction false Processing Options
checkFraud body checkFraud false Set to false to opt out of sending a request to Kount. Note: During testing you may trigger specific Kount responses by including any of the values shown here
customerRedirectUrl body string false The URL to which the customer will be redirected after completing a 3D Secure authentication. The customer will be sent here whether the transaction succeeds or fails. This URL must use the HTTPS protocol.
merchantId body merchantId false The merchant ID (MID)
paymentOptionTag body paymentOptionTag false A custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account. Contact integration support to designate a paymentOptionTag for a given merchant account.
saveCardToken body saveCardToken false Set to false to opt out of saving a card token when a transaction is run
shouldUseFingerprint body shouldUseFingerprint false This parameter applies when a device fingerprint was created while saving a card token. The card's stored fingerprint will be used by default, but you may choose not to use it by setting this parameter to false.

Note: To change your merchant's default setting, contact integration support
verboseResponse body verboseResponse false Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookFailUrl body webhookFailUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
webhookUrl body webhookUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)

Example responses

200 Response

  "amount": 34.25,
  "authCode": "035410",
  "card": {
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "20",
    "cardType": "visa",
    "cardHolder": "John H Doe"
  "currency": "USD",
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD",
    "customer": {
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToState": "PA",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "lodging": {
      "advanceDeposit": true,
      "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
      "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
      "noShow": false,
      "roomNumber": 14,
      "roomRate": 143.99
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "nmi",
    "refNumber": "3107885809"
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
  "kountResponse": {
    "status": "success",
    "rules": "{\"VERS\":\"0630\",\"MODE\":\"Q\",\"TRAN\":\"7V7D0V1BMKPX\",\"MERC\":\"717000\",\"SESS\":\"3bbb89edcd5742f18e2502ebb2bbb18b\",\"ORDR\":\"14233\",\"AUTO\":\"A\",\"SCOR\":\"29\",\"GEOX\":\"US\",\"BRND\":\"VISA\",\"REGN\":null,\"NETW\":\"N\",\"KAPT\":\"N\",\"CARDS\":\"1\",\"DEVICES\":\"1\",\"EMAILS\":\"1\",\"VELO\":\"0\",\"VMAX\":\"0\",\"SITE\":\"DEFAULT\",\"DEVICE_LAYERS\":\"....\",\"FINGERPRINT\":null,\"TIMEZONE\":null,\"LOCALTIME\":\" \",\"REGION\":null,\"COUNTRY\":null,\"PROXY\":null,\"JAVASCRIPT\":null,\"FLASH\":null,\"COOKIES\":null,\"HTTP_COUNTRY\":null,\"LANGUAGE\":null,\"MOBILE_DEVICE\":null,\"MOBILE_TYPE\":null,\"MOBILE_FORWARDER\":null,\"VOICE_DEVICE\":null,\"PC_REMOTE\":null,\"RULES_TRIGGERED\":0,\"COUNTERS_TRIGGERED\":0,\"REASON_CODE\":null,\"MASTERCARD\":\"\",\"DDFS\":null,\"DSR\":null,\"UAS\":null,\"BROWSER\":null,\"OS\":null,\"PIP_IPAD\":null,\"PIP_LAT\":null,\"PIP_LON\":null,\"PIP_COUNTRY\":null,\"PIP_REGION\":null,\"PIP_CITY\":null,\"PIP_ORG\":null,\"IP_IPAD\":null,\"IP_LAT\":null,\"IP_LON\":null,\"IP_COUNTRY\":null,\"IP_REGION\":null,\"IP_CITY\":null,\"IP_ORG\":null,\"WARNING_COUNT\":0}"
  "merchantId": "100039",
  "token": {
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313",
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
  "transactionStatus": "pending",
  "transactionType": "sale"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
400 Bad Request Bad Request
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 400

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
error integer false none Capstone's error code
message string false none The reason for the failure to authenticate
gatewayResponse object false none The failure response from the gateway. Details will vary by gateway
gatewayName string false none The gateway name
refNum string false none The gateway's reference number
status string false none The transaction status
merchantId string false none The merchant ID

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Run Card Transaction Iframe

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'One-time-use Token: API_KEY'

GET /pay/v3

Returns an iframe that can be used to securely run a credit or debit card transaction.


Name In Type Required Description
token query string true Your one-time-use token. This is a query parameter.

Example responses

200 Response

"<html>A run transaction form</html>"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Save E-check Token

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "231375151",
    "encryptedBankAccountNumber": "cu3yRktaYFK2LUC6DpNK289tYDsGRCi7cO+GeG0hkeYFvT7Y8/oY5r53obMz6Q/BZ38gk2u2Ufwy8ojBcX2sfNjG5jplGTXA4NNlSIUjMFfiHe1sff1JFpThoiW/IIlifGlbWu+S1/9pqWPTzJ2+DcjwohbHzsDahhYewFhXgC8qsK0ypi/Shlp+CwRITyIvbVXESD0xz3YOTRHeZLlChvVqN8z4ZzN8nm0MXkmT1wcpYI73bH4KdnPwNU3s7XxvP/ernQP73SHHAOKSLlz4F6AEHFjJiCoXzeLF7LwEjRdxDJ0sKVXbRk3i9BGh+8Nle2VYgjpUWtk2763QkvZiQQ=="
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToState": "PA",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "585436789",
    "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9",
    "lastFour": "1111"

POST /pay/v3/saveECheck

Allows you to securely save bank account information without a browser or using your own form. You may save a new e-check by including the card object or add existing TokenEx e-check token for use in Capstone by including the token object.

Note: Processing options must be sent in the request for a one-time-use token.

Body parameter

  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "231375151",
    "encryptedBankAccountNumber": "cu3yRktaYFK2LUC6DpNK289tYDsGRCi7cO+GeG0hkeYFvT7Y8/oY5r53obMz6Q/BZ38gk2u2Ufwy8ojBcX2sfNjG5jplGTXA4NNlSIUjMFfiHe1sff1JFpThoiW/IIlifGlbWu+S1/9pqWPTzJ2+DcjwohbHzsDahhYewFhXgC8qsK0ypi/Shlp+CwRITyIvbVXESD0xz3YOTRHeZLlChvVqN8z4ZzN8nm0MXkmT1wcpYI73bH4KdnPwNU3s7XxvP/ernQP73SHHAOKSLlz4F6AEHFjJiCoXzeLF7LwEjRdxDJ0sKVXbRk3i9BGh+8Nle2VYgjpUWtk2763QkvZiQQ=="
  "token": "830d36f6-a5e3-4455-9600-3a55b63e2fc2",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToState": "PA",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "585436789",
    "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9",
    "lastFour": "1111"


Name In Type Required Description
bank body bank true Bank account information
accountHolderName body accountHolderName true The account holder's name
routingNumber body routingNumber true The bank account's routing number
encryptedBankAccountNumber body string false The encrypted bank account number. This value is used to create a TokenEx e-check token. Conditionally Required if tokenex.token is not included.
token body ott true Your one-time-use token
data body object false Additional optional data
customer body customerECheck false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
companyName body companyName false This field may be included if the bank account being used for payment is a business account
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef body customerRef false Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email body email false The customer's email address
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
phone body phone false The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
tokenex body tokenexECheckSave false The TokenEx e-check token. (Use this option if you have pre-existing TokenEx tokens you would like to start using through Capstone). Conditionally Required if the bank.encryptedBankAccountNumber is not included.
token body string false A previously saved TokenEx e-check token. (Use this option if you have pre-existing TokenEx tokens you would like to start using through Capstone). Conditionally Required if bank.encryptedBankAccountNumber is not included.
customerRefNumber body string false The customer reference number
lastFour body string false The last four digits of the account number

Example responses

200 Response

  "token": {
    "lastFour": "1111",
    "token": "aafb1033-599a-4392-859e-f98033fc37f5"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "231375151"
  "merchantId": "100100"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
token object false none E-check token information
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the account number
token string false none The e-check token
data object false none Additional data, if provided in the request
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
companyName string false none This field may be included if the bank account being used for payment is a business account
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email string false none The customer's email address
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber string false none The order number
phone string false none The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
bank object false none Bank information
accountHolderName string false none The account holder's name
routingNumber string false none The bank account's routing number
merchantId string false none The merchant ID (MID)

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Save E-check Token Iframe

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: text/html' \
  -H 'One-time-use Token: API_KEY'

GET /pay/v3/saveECheck

Returns an iframe that can be used to securely save a bank account information.


Name In Type Required Description
token query string true Your one-time-use token. This is a query parameter.

Example responses

200 Response

"<html>A save e-check form</html>"

401 Response

  "message": "Unauthorized"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Run E-check Transaction

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToState": "PA",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "aafb1033-599a-4392-859e-f98033fc37f5",
    "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9",
    "lastFour": "1111"
  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "231375151"
  "processingOptions": {
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""

POST /pay/v3/processECheck

Allows you to securely process an e-check transaction without a browser.

Body parameter

  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToState": "PA",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "tokenex": {
    "token": "aafb1033-599a-4392-859e-f98033fc37f5",
    "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9",
    "lastFour": "1111"
  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "231375151"
  "processingOptions": {
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "verboseResponse": true,
    "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>",
    "webhookUrl": ""


Name In Type Required Description
data body dataECheck true Transaction data
amount body amount true The transaction amount
currency body currency true The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
cart body cart false Items purchased in the transaction
items body [item] false Details about items in the shopping cart
item body itemItem false Item number or code
description body descriptionItem false A description of the item
quantity body quantity false The quantity sold
price body price false The price per item
type body transactionType false The transaction type
customer body customerECheck false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
companyName body companyName false This field may be included if the bank account being used for payment is a business account
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef body customerRef false Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email body email false The customer's email address
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
phone body phone false The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
settlementCurrency body settlementCurrency false The currency in which the transaction will be settled
tokenex body tokenexECheck true The e-check token.
token body string true A previously saved e-check token.
customerRefNumber body string false The customer reference number
lastFour body string false The last four digits of the account number
bank body object false Bank account information
accountHolderName body accountHolderName false The account holder's name
routingNumber body routingNumber false The bank account's routing number
processingOptions body processingOptionsRunECheckTransaction false Processing Options
merchantId body merchantId false The merchant ID (MID)
verboseResponse body verboseResponse false Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookFailUrl body webhookFailUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
webhookUrl body webhookUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)

Example responses

200 Response

  "amount": 34.25,
  "authCode": "035410",
  "bank": {
    "accountHolderName": "John Doe",
    "routingNumber": "******6789",
    "accountNumber": "***********6789"
  "currency": "USD",
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "cart": {
      "items": [
          "item": "913261",
          "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
          "quantity": 8,
          "price": 16.49,
          "type": "sale"
    "currency": "USD",
    "customFields": {
      "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "companyName": "Green Thumb Lawn Care",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
    "lodging": {
      "advanceDeposit": true,
      "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
      "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
      "noShow": false,
      "roomNumber": 14,
      "roomRate": 143.99
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "nmi",
    "refNumber": "3107885809"
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
  "merchantId": "100039",
  "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
  "transactionStatus": "pending",
  "transactionType": "sale"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

The response from a successful payment

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
amount number false none The transaction amount
authCode string false none The authorization code
bank object false none Bank account information
accountHolderName string false none The account holder's name
routingNumber string false none The masked routing number
accountNumber string false none The masked bank account number
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
data object false none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
cart object false none Items purchased in the transaction
items array false none Details about items in the shopping cart
item string false none Item number or code
description string false none A description of the item
quantity integer false none The quantity sold
price number false none The price per item
type string false none The transaction type
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
customFields object false none Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey string false none You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
companyName string false none This field may be included if the bank account being used for payment is a business account
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email string false none The customer's email address
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber string false none The order number
phone string false none The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
lodging object false none Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit boolean false none Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate string false none The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate string false none The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow boolean false none Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber number false none The customer's room number
roomRate number false none The room's rate, per day
settlementCurrency string false none The currency in which the transaction will be settled
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
refNumber string false none The gateway's reference number
id string false none Capstone Payment ID
merchantId string false none The merchant ID through which the transaction was processed
transactionDate string false none The transaction date and time
transactionStatus string false none The transaction status
transactionType string false none The transaction type

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Run E-check Transaction Iframe

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: text/html' \
  -H 'One-time-use Token: API_KEY'

GET /pay/v3/processECheck

Returns an iframe that can be used to securely process an e-check transaction


Name In Type Required Description
token query string true Your one-time-use token. This is a query parameter.

Example responses

200 Response

"<html>A process e-check form</html>"

401 Response

  "message": "Unauthorized"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Void Transaction

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0"

POST /pay/v3/void

Allows you to void a credit card transaction using the Capstone Payment ID. The entire process is as follows:

  1. A transaction using the Run Card Transaction endpoint occurs.
  2. Retrieve the id from the response. This is the Capstone Payment ID.
  3. Include that id in the body of your request to this endpoint in order to void the transaction.

Body parameter

  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0"


Name In Type Required Description
id body string true The Capstone Payment ID. (To void a transaction through this endpoint it must have been captured through the Capstone Payment API)

Example responses

200 Response

  "authCode": "035410",
  "currency": "USD",
  "data": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "nmi",
    "refNumber": "3107885809"
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "message": "success",
  "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
  "transactionStatus": "pending",
  "transactionType": "sale"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
400 Bad Request Bad Request
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
authCode string false none The authorization code
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
data object false none Transaction data
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
settlementCurrency string false none The currency in which the transaction will be settled
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
refNumber string false none The gateway's reference number
id string false none Capstone Payment ID
merchantId string false none The merchant ID through which the transaction was originally run
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request.
transactionDate string false none The transaction date and time
transactionStatus string false none The transaction status
transactionType string false none The transaction type

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Capture Transaction

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0",
  "data": {
    "amount": 5.15

POST /pay/v3/capture

Allows you to capture an auth only transaction. To do so:

  1. Run an auth only transaction using the Run Card Transaction endpoint.
  2. Retrieve the id from the response. This is the Capstone Payment ID.
  3. Include that id in the body of your request to this endpoint.

Body parameter

  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0",
  "data": {
    "amount": 5.15


Name In Type Required Description
id body string true The Capstone Payment ID
data body object true Transaction data
amount body number true The amount of the auth only transaction you wish to capture. Is not required to be the full amount

Example responses

200 Response

  "amount": 15.25,
  "authCode": "035410",
  "currency": "USD",
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "nmi",
    "refNumber": "3107885809"
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "message": "success",
  "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
  "transactionStatus": "pending",
  "transactionType": "sale"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
amount number false none The amount to be captured
authCode string false none The authorization code
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
data object false none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
settlementCurrency string false none The currency in which the transaction will be settled
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
refNumber string false none The gateway's reference number
id string false none Capstone Payment ID
merchantId string false none The merchant ID through which the transaction was originally run
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request.
transactionDate string false none The transaction date and time
transactionStatus string false none The transaction status
transactionType string false none The transaction type

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Refund Transaction

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0",
  "data": {
    "amount": 2.5

POST /pay/v3/refund

Allows you to refund a credit card transaction using the Capstone Payment ID. To do so:

  1. Run a transaction using the Run Credit Card Transaction endpoint.
  2. Retrieve the id from the response. This is the Capstone Payment ID.
  3. Include that id in the body of your request to this endpoint.

Body parameter

  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMwOTg2MjEzOTYiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzA5ODYyMTM5NiIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0",
  "data": {
    "amount": 2.5


Name In Type Required Description
id body string true The Capstone Payment ID. (To void a transaction through this endpoint it must have been captured through the Capstone Payment API)
data body object true none
amount body number true The amount of the transaction you wish to refund. Is not required to be the full amount, but may not exceed it

Example responses

200 Response

  "amount": 15.25,
  "authCode": "035410",
  "currency": "USD",
  "data": {
    "amount": 29.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "settlementCurrency": "CAD"
  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "nmi",
    "refNumber": "3107885809"
  "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "message": "success",
  "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
  "transactionStatus": "pending",
  "transactionType": "sale"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
amount number false none The amount to be refunded
authCode string false none The authorization code
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
data object false none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
settlementCurrency string false none The currency in which the transaction will be settled
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
refNumber string false none The gateway's reference number
id string false none Capstone Payment ID
merchantId string false none The merchant ID through which the transaction was originally run
message string false none none
transactionDate string false none The transaction date and time
transactionStatus string false none The transaction status
transactionType string false none The transaction type

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Get Card Token

Code samples

curl -X GET{cardToken} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /pay/v3/vault/card/{cardToken}

Allows you to view details of a specific card token.


Name In Type Required Description
cardToken path string true The card token you wish to view. This is a path parameter.

Example responses

200 Response

  "accountUpdaterStatus": "isExcluded",
  "card": {
    "expirationMonth": "07",
    "expirationYear": "2022",
    "cardHolderName": "Jane Doe"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "dateCreated": "2019-07-31T17:02:39.035Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2019-07-31T18:33:30.660Z",
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "tokenex": {
    "cardType": "visa",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313",
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUpdaterStatus string false none The card's account updater status. For a list of possible values and meanings, see the Account Updater Card Status table.
card object false none Card information
expirationMonth string false none The month in which the saved card expires
expirationYear string false none The year in which the saved card expires
cardHolderName string false none The cardholder's name, as it appears on the card
data object false none Additional data attached to the card token
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate string false none The customer's date of birth. The format returned matches the format used in the request that created the Card Token.
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email string false none The customer's email address
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber string false none The order number
phone string false none The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
dateCreated string false none The date and time when the record of this card was created.
dateLastModified string false none The date and time at which the record of this card was last modified.
merchantId string false none The merchant account under which the card token is saved
shouldUpdateCard boolean false none The card's account updater enrollment tag
When true, the card or e-check token is tagged for registration with account updater
Note: The card or e-check will not be registered until the merchant account is enrolled. See this table for more information
tokenex object false none The card token
cardType string false none The card type. This information is required when saving a card through your own form. May be any of the following:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • discover
  • amex
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
token string false none The TokenEx card token

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Edit Card Token

Code samples

curl -X PUT{cardToken} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "Jane Doe",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "22"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "shouldUpdateCard": true

PUT /pay/v3/vault/card/{cardToken}

Allows you to edit the expiration date, account updater status, and customer information for an existing token.

Use this endpoint to register/deregister card tokens with the account updater service.

Note: Cards registered with the account updater service may take up to 72 hours to be deregistered.

Body parameter

  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "Jane Doe",
    "expirationMonth": "12",
    "expirationYear": "22"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "shouldUpdateCard": true


Name In Type Required Description
cardToken path string true The card token you wish to edit. (Sent as a path parameter).
card body object false Card information you wish to edit. Only provided fields will be edited
cardHolderName body string false The updated cardholder name
expirationMonth body string false The updated expiration month
expirationYear body string false The updated expiration year
data body object false Optional data you wish to edit. Only provided fields will be edited
customer body customerCardToken false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate body birthDate false The customer's date of birth. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2001-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2001-08-26T13:35:00Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 998854500
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef body customerRef false Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email body email false The customer's email address
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
phone body phone false The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shouldUpdateCard body shouldUpdateCard false The card's account updater enrollment tag
When true, the card or e-check token is tagged for registration with account updater
Note: The card or e-check will not be registered until the merchant account is enrolled. See this table for more information

Example responses

200 Response

  "accountUpdaterStatus": "isExcluded",
  "card": {
    "cardHolderName": "Jane Doe",
    "expirationMonth": "07",
    "expirationYear": "2022"
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
      "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
      "billToCity": "Scranton",
      "billToCountry": "US",
      "billToPhone": "1555555555",
      "billToPostal": "18503",
      "billToState": "PA",
      "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
      "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
      "customerRef": "RP006",
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "John",
      "invoice": "IN0001",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "orderNumber": "210058A",
      "phone": "1555555555",
      "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
      "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
      "shipToCity": "Scranton",
      "shipToCountry": "US",
      "shipToPhone": "1555555555",
      "shipToPostal": "18505",
      "shipToState": "PA"
  "dateCreated": "2019-07-31T17:02:39.035Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2019-07-31T18:33:30.660Z",
  "merchantId": "100100",
  "shouldUpdateCard": true,
  "tokenex": {
    "cardType": "visa",
    "firstSix": "479300",
    "lastFour": "3313",
    "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
  "originalCard": {
    "cardHolderName": "Jane Doe",
    "expirationMonth": "07",
    "expirationYear": "2019"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
accountUpdaterStatus string false none The card's account updater status. For a list of possible values and meanings, see the Account Updater Card Status table.
card object false none Card information
cardHolderName string false none The cardholder's name, as it appears on the card
expirationMonth string false none The month in which the saved card expires
expirationYear string false none The year in which the saved card expires
data object false none Additional data attached to the card token
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
birthDate string false none The customer's date of birth. The format returned matches the format used in the request that created the Card Token.
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
email string false none The customer's email address
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
orderNumber string false none The order number
phone string false none The customer's phone number
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
dateCreated string false none The date and time at which the card was created
dateLastModified string false none The date and time at which the card was last modified
merchantId string false none The merchant account under which the card token is saved
shouldUpdateCard boolean false none The card's account updater enrollment tag
When true, the card or e-check token is tagged for registration with account updater
Note: The card or e-check will not be registered until the merchant account is enrolled. See this table for more information
tokenex object false none The card token
cardType string false none The card type. This information is required when saving a card through your own form. May be any of the following:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • discover
  • amex
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
token string false none The TokenEx card token
originalCard object false none Original card details
cardHolderName string false none The cardholder's name, as it appears on the card
expirationMonth string false none The month in which the saved card expires
expirationYear string false none The year in which the saved card expires

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Delete Card Tokens

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "tokens": [

POST /pay/v3/deleteToken

Allows you to delete card tokens from the card vault.

Note: Cards registered with the account updater service may take up to 72 hours to be removed.</p?

Body parameter

  "tokens": [


Name In Type Required Description
tokens body [string] true An array of card tokens

Example responses

200 Response

    "error": "",
    "key": "p6711abg-41fd-m56a-81a1-t0k3n287799b",
    "message": "Successfully removed from vault",
    "status": "success"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous array false none none
error string false none The error message, if applicable
key string false none The card token that has been deleted
message string false none A message indicating the status of the request
status string false none The status of the request

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Get Currency Rates

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /pay/v3/getCurrencyRates

Retrieves a list of currencies and their current conversion rates for all currencies configured in your account. This endpoint is not available for all merchant accounts. To enable your merchant account for retrieving the currency rates, contact Integration Support.

Example responses

200 Response

    "currency": "USD",
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "paymentOptionTag": [
    "rate": "1.2209524"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

An array of all currencies and their conversion rates

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous array false none An array of all currencies and their conversion rates
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code.
merchantId string false none The merchant ID (MID) for which this currency is enabled.
paymentOptionTag array false none A list of all payment option tags for which this currency is enabled for given merchant ID
rate string false none The current conversion rate from the listed currency to USD

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request


Simple Login

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

POST /auth/v3/createSimpleLogin

Simple Login allows trusted users to proceed directly to the retail/MOTO Iframe without entering a Capstone username and password. This option is useful for cases in which multiple users will be using a single Capstone account. It can also save time for internal users by eliminating the need to enter a username and password upon each use.

Example responses

200 Response

  "exp": 1550600014,
  "jwt": "t3jraWQiOiI3V2JrOFdSVVliMVljR2p3Mlhwd2swR3lIRWt6THcwVDRqckVhNVVVTjBnPSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiI4YWYzZTQwZC02Y2I0LTQ0ZWQtOWRlZS0yN2Y3NmNmNDc0YmMiLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6dHJ1ZSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2NvZ25pdG8taWRwLnVzLWVhc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tXC91cy1lYXN0LTFfVlVEN21MeWNqIiwiY3VzdG9tOmFjY291bnRJZCI6ImVjN2NiOWJhLWQwMmQtNDhkYS1hY2I3LWI2ZWQ3YmJiZWQwMiIsImNvZ25pdG86dXNlcm5hbWUiOiJscm9ibGVkb0BjbXNvbmxpbmUuY29tIiwiYXVkIjoiNDBtZWQ2YnNybDZ1aWpnMmpmZzQwcmJzOGkiLCJldmVudF9pZCI6IjE0YmU5MWFjLTM0NjctMTFlOS9iNDZjLWMxMjdjYTkzZjA3NCIsInRva2VuX3VzZSI6ImlkIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTUwNTk1Mjk0LCJleHAiOjE1NTA1OTg4OTRsImN1c3RvbTphY2Nlc3NSaWdodHMiOiJ7XCJtZXJjaGFudElkc1wiOntcIjEwMDAzOVwiOlwiQVwiLFwiMTAwMDQxXCI6XCJBXCIsXCI1MTU3OTQwMDAwMTM1MDRcIjpcIkFcIixcIjkyMzYwMDAwMTEyNDUwM1wiOlwiQVwiLFwiOTIzNTAwMDAxNDMyNzQyXCI6XCJBXCIsXCI1MTM0ODUwMDAwMDAwMThcIjpcIkFcIixcIjkyMzYwMDAwODEyNjYxMFwiOlwiQVwiLFwiOTIzNjAwMDAzMTYzODEwXCI6XCJBXCJ9LFwicm9sZVwiOlwiQVwifSIsImlhdCI6MTU1MDU5NTI5NCwiZW1haWwiOiJscm9ibGVkb0BjbXNvbmxpbmUuY29tIn0.OEEZarSzbSLpxUM55UKmycYtAAWEtm__XUJdqBJ9QPSF_8sdLIL9EXBF8cLarhv3DoLqeWKUpieNgfcME2IsIc8amDXitvJtJe3STQtI_zaJwAibBxJhFKQRLRCrIe3kpslVJPuw3OeST54QcseifLlA64bxNaveXygja7aejwINueE4_Nj0NEzcFGZoYHgNB6br6Ksbjgx-z_SiFIZ1XHS-eOMnBoCIVWjFr3FY9IbfnQf4v0c0AFWKt9mOpjYracSqOHHmSER7GuaMBNrHxfbe0kHVh6hvnrzh10SEnTsF573qbP1R_aZA_Uh80MOLB0UvPWWFzzyP4GniNc3zLw",
  "key": "4f211fde-d135-4c91-afbc-bcdb73c0c504",
  "refreshToken": "t3jjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiUlNBLU9BRVAifQ.CejuLZHvZcrISuiwE7N4xg7EYq6ArivbyNwDVE2X7eTdr7CTO4l5udgc9ZUV1byTe1r3eLN_szbte1nlaimbQj5ZcJpim1zmW5pkk7aFVF-WcnLjIBVPilp6bLW8gsZaB04WErDjwzt4r7Bxnz6YnmLM7e3V15ZVkY6GLFqgrUF9Tb9UOFbCDD_H8qe1AdFktVeeVgefekJew3RuZ8p2BnKWejt1BcyMUnYY-QgaLm3TzUpd14PRbdvOfBG3D9KmJCnZ_6H9sQ5FUirqsF_U6eXNppE1QXZdjhFg4oic791Kq5rXU2xbMI9ggeFoGIjLLP0Keb0iT66NwXpf50-h4w.eUOjohgz3zXTJWHH.IBQMMiNKtbAZ02r0QGXJXw_zM2c3epH5LGtdZxIVUReMRr5CLm-ptE7zaFTK0D1tpUHcVonqiDuXyc09IN0IO4jL32QqQjgeG-V9LBYgpr1xV3qyc5TR-L2VNHjJt3A3SbJsIzxHDqKLucJw2N0WaiOgLb577q8B8lu0pLCpOV_POlUiT4BLAvycMCKkgUCDrejyjzR39ofCUqtZKuMglXanUfVE3hC0OaNOMpl65N_utjuf9vzklyZZRQMTgokQ7V0yp0VSpCC6D_zNBvwTPUKHVFyMrzEC4wJZ9uOtIS9h9rv_HywpwrPqHYajsGYNrv7QvHE1Kg80I73CbL0owW-J5bKEbgImqkahNVhBoFJejnvN3PEr9zthNey15Q_utOUFUkR0Po9GH6fnXFXxQnIC7c2hQ4lgjV2wR3WGzEiE5L0aNLF1Cnjyn-t1VZxQHG2uiyiT1aIUFBPbItTkVPjKhkFKf7AfXqOTAl52VFdBPpFdbG5Ecwfm_4ZGgO_4KJnLcb7qMQuEI6G20xelkPD2NHIpdS9gHx7XIlyfiBPkvq3YEKMtOQQbRAQ_Hcy7leeZnSyPgq65Bnsn22xZ4NG5bSshSEEMlq5lbOV4-dzBGV8SA6dOeNHR7GeQvSr1XQ89sBloJlMKJLe9WL0fYhkY6u-MbmecvMoU1OrC4mvIv-0l53TIeeGDMtn8UkcaSxQG7HBEqcQlvaFAxGaol7kiDPlAMxdp11lnk0ix3G0M74xHRFpZalIFtUAPm2xEVFJLWlwLqalRgJpO70asiw9QJ_pi0HERT5N_wCXraxeQyNrknNmi157ih5yP7SGm7MXrSVUOHu6GIBZktAfP8IURhJNQZfSk3Do_up1vUBPN7yLNumqPq2PWH3CgFXle3nDaQYCVsVkGU-FZTy7KLIbKc2EStkOFOCPiYYSoD8h1-C8kclCeIKFLDFQIo7weJyIGjQqV_pY9HEPQivgXw6X1ti711x0YZ2bhl9tPuUEtXeja7hGAxLnrU4QqHr2iS58J9F5NMVc6LlK_NcExLzrlnQBJws7urmDkV_yoOtCRadxVuAxVCYqfAh8X4gzQ7LQMT27pFeV98iCvAmkhWx4RpAmFYHmacUJIXUVXKe6eTlN27gsYir1H9SrkbFgjOjvoUBj5p-mn-mMathsdAbRtlryJEjfCzAfBWis-7d4GsxCZGQnCJ0NezIP50_2dCPyzpgYcUwt4E4kHIA5-SBOLWneULDPz7VpRJxKv8BaYxOZuotnV2zz2nwB3vlDWK1h6cgRfMT8o8iphcUMxdZdjd-FElzNCdQ.SDQXbyIYZu6_jdCeAzTzoA",
  "username": ""


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
exp integer false none The expiration time of the Simple Login
jwt string false none The JSON Web Token
key string false none The simple login key
refreshToken string false none The refresh token
username string false none The simple login username

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Get Terminal List

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /pay/v3/getTerminalList

Retrieves a list of available terminals.
Note: Terminals must be configured by integration support before they are available for processing. If you do not see a terminal in the list retrieved here, contact Integration Support for assistance.

Example responses

200 Response

    "gatewayLabel": "...2e21,...5ee7",
    "gatewayName": "yourGateway",
    "gatewayType": 110,
    "merchantId": "103002",
    "merchantName": "Test Merchant",
    "terminalId": "eyJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAxMDM5IiwiZ2F0ZXdheUxhYmVsIjoiLi4uMmUyMSwuLi41ZWU3IiwidGVybWluYWwiOnsiaWQiOiIxMWU5MDIxMGNmZTdmNmFlOWVkNWUwYTgiLCJsb2NhdGlvbklkIjoiMTFlOGNkNmE4YjQ0YzUzZWFkNmFkY2UxIn19",
    "terminalName": "Terminal 1",
    "terminalSerialNumber": "84937213"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

An array of available terminals

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous array false none An array of available terminals
gatewayLabel string false none The gateway label
gatewayName string false none The gateway name
gatewayType integer false none The gateway type
merchantId string false none The merchant ID configured for this gateway
merchantName string false none The merchant name
terminalId string false none The Capstone Terminal ID
terminalName string false none The terminal name
terminalSerialNumber string false none The terminal serial number

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Process from Terminal

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "amount": "13.45"
  "terminalId": "eyJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAxMDM5IiwiZ2F0ZXdheUxhYmVsIjoiLi4uMmUyMSwuLi41ZWU3IiwidGVybWluYWwiOnsiaWQiOiIxMWU5MDIxMGNmZTdmNmFlOWVkNWUwYTgiLCJsb2NhdGlvbklkIjoiMTFlOGNkNmE4YjQ0YzUzZWFkNmFkY2UxIn19"

POST /pay/v3/processFromTerminal

Initiates a terminal transaction. For more information on how to process through EMV, see the steps in Run a Terminal Transaction.

Body parameter

  "data": {
    "amount": "13.45"
  "terminalId": "eyJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAxMDM5IiwiZ2F0ZXdheUxhYmVsIjoiLi4uMmUyMSwuLi41ZWU3IiwidGVybWluYWwiOnsiaWQiOiIxMWU5MDIxMGNmZTdmNmFlOWVkNWUwYTgiLCJsb2NhdGlvbklkIjoiMTFlOGNkNmE4YjQ0YzUzZWFkNmFkY2UxIn19"


Name In Type Required Description
data body object true Transaction data
amount body string true The transaction amount
terminalId body string false An ID used to identify a specific terminal. For a list of terminal IDs see the Get Terminal List endpoint.

Example responses

200 Response

  "terminalRequestId": "64ea267f-2766-49b8-9e0e-aeb91b2fe722",
  "terminalRequestStatus": "initialized"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
terminalRequestId string false none An ID used to identify a transaction initiated using a terminal
terminalRequestStatus string false none The status of the transaction initiated using a terminal

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Terminal Transaction Status

Code samples

curl -X GET{terminalRequestId} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /pay/v3/processFromTerminal/{terminalRequestId}

Checks the status of a transaction run through the terminal.


Name In Type Required Description
terminalRequestId path string true The terminal request ID. Found in the response of Process from Terminal endpoint. This is submitted as a path parameter.

Example responses

200 Response

  "gatewayResponse": {
    "gatewayName": "yourGateway"
  "terminalRequestId": "64ea267f-2766-49b8-9e0e-aeb91b2fe722",
  "terminalRequestStatus": "initialized"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
490 Unknown Error

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
terminalRequestId string false none An ID used to identify a transaction initiated using a terminal
terminalRequestStatus string false none The status of the transaction initiated using a terminal

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Status Code 490

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none The response message
error integer false none The error code, if applicable
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway


Create Subscription

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "paymentMethod": "card",
      "amount": 29.99,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": ""
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313",
      "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9"
    "isAuthOnly": false,
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 95,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"

POST /subscription/v3

Creates a recurring payment. A successful request to this endpoint will process an intial transaction and schedule recurring transactions. All transactions will be processed with the values provided in the payment object. Scheduled transaction will be run according to the values provided in the schedule object.

Note: This service is in beta. Contact integration support if you would like to use this feature.

Body parameter

  "payment": {
    "data": {
      "paymentMethod": "card",
      "amount": 29.99,
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": ""
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313",
      "customerRefNumber": "74771a19-3c28-4c27-83c6-9"
    "isAuthOnly": false,
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 95,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"


Name In Type Required Description
payment body object true Payment information for the initial transaction and for recurring (scheduled) transactions
data body object true Transaction data
paymentMethod body string false Payment method. Set to eCheck to run e-check transactions
amount body number true The amount that will be charged during each recurring transaction.
currency body currency true The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
customer body object true Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
customerRef body customerRef true Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
firstName body firstName false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
lastName body lastName false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
birthDate body birthDate false The customer's date of birth. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2001-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2001-08-26T13:35:00Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 998854500
createdAtDate body createdAtDate false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

email body email false The customer's email address
orderDate body orderDate false The date of the customer's order. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2021-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2021-08-26T13:35:18Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 1630006518

Note: This is NOT a quick way to schedule a transaction. Specifying a date in the future does not cause the order to be run automatically at the indicated date or time.

phone body phone false The customer's phone number
billToAddressOne body billToAddressOne false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body billToCity false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal body billToPostal false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
cart body cart false Items purchased in the transaction
items body [item] false Details about items in the shopping cart
item body itemItem false Item number or code
description body descriptionItem false A description of the item
quantity body quantity false The quantity sold
price body price false The price per item
type body transactionType false The transaction type
lodging body lodging false Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit body boolean false Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate body string false The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate body string false The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow body boolean false Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber body number false The customer's room number
roomRate body number false The room's rate, per day
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
description body string false A description of the transaction
descriptor body descriptor false Include this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement. If this parameter is not included, the default descriptor (as set up on the merchant account that is originating the transactions) will be used. When applicable, this information will be passed along to gateway. Contact integration support if you have any questions about this parameter
tokenex body object true A previously saved card or e-check token
token body string true The card token or e-check token
firstSix body string false The first six digits of the card number
lastFour body string false The last four digits of the card number or bank account number
customerRefNumber body string false The customer reference number
isAuthOnly body boolean false Set to true to run an auth only transaction. (This applies to the initial transaction and scheduled transactions.)
Note: Auth only transactions must be captured in your own code base. To authorize and capture scheduled transactions set this value to false, or update it to false after the initial transaction has been processed
processingOptions body object false Processing Options
checkFraud body checkFraud false Set to false to opt out of sending a request to Kount. Note: During testing you may trigger specific Kount responses by including any of the values shown here
merchantId body merchantId false The merchant ID (MID)
paymentOptionTag body paymentOptionTag false A custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account. Contact integration support to designate a paymentOptionTag for a given merchant account.
shouldUseFingerprint body shouldUseFingerprint false This parameter applies when a device fingerprint was created while saving a card token. The card's stored fingerprint will be used by default, but you may choose not to use it by setting this parameter to false.

Note: To change your merchant's default setting, contact integration support
verboseResponse body verboseResponse false Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookUrl body webhookUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)
webhookFailUrl body webhookFailUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
schedule body scheduleRequest false The schedule for recurring transactions
interval body interval false The schedule's time period.
Possible values: day, week, month, year
intervalCount body intervalCount false The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the subscription schedule examples table for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule.
balance body integer false The total amount to be charged over the course of the pay plan
duration body integer false The duration of the pay plan. This is the number of transactions that will run before the pay plan terminates. If amount is not provided the duration will also be used to calculate the amount to be charged during each transaction
dateInitialBillingEnd body dateInitialBillingEnd(date) false The date at which the initial billing period will end. Transactions prior to this date will be run for the initial billing amount. Transactions after this date will be run for the subscription amount
initialBillingAmount body initialBillingAmount false The transaction amount during the initial billing period.

Example responses

200 Response

  "customerRef": "RP006",
  "accountId": "27592004",
  "id": "e80d63dd-a77b-407a-9124-42acf00740dd",
  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "amount": 29.99,
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": "",
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313"
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 0,
    "initialBalance": 50,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"
  "paymentResponse": {
    "amount": 34.25,
    "authCode": "035410",
    "card": {
      "expirationMonth": "12",
      "expirationYear": "20",
      "cardType": "visa",
      "cardHolder": "John H Doe"
    "currency": "USD",
    "data": {
      "amount": 29.99,
      "currency": "USD",
      "settlementCurrency": "CAD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
    "gatewayResponse": {
      "gatewayName": "nmi",
      "refNumber": "3107885809"
    "id": "eyJuYW1lIjoidXNhZXBheSIsInJlZk51bWJlciI6IjMxMDA5MDc4MTkiLCJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiMTAwMDM5IiwicmFuZG9tIjoiMzEwMDkwNzgxOSIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIn0=",
    "kountResponse": {
      "status": "success",
      "rules": "{\"VERS\":\"0630\",\"MODE\":\"Q\",\"TRAN\":\"7V7D0V1BMKPX\",\"MERC\":\"717000\",\"SESS\":\"3bbb89edcd5742f18e2502ebb2bbb18b\",\"ORDR\":\"14233\",\"AUTO\":\"A\",\"SCOR\":\"29\",\"GEOX\":\"US\",\"BRND\":\"VISA\",\"REGN\":null,\"NETW\":\"N\",\"KAPT\":\"N\",\"CARDS\":\"1\",\"DEVICES\":\"1\",\"EMAILS\":\"1\",\"VELO\":\"0\",\"VMAX\":\"0\",\"SITE\":\"DEFAULT\",\"DEVICE_LAYERS\":\"....\",\"FINGERPRINT\":null,\"TIMEZONE\":null,\"LOCALTIME\":\" \",\"REGION\":null,\"COUNTRY\":null,\"PROXY\":null,\"JAVASCRIPT\":null,\"FLASH\":null,\"COOKIES\":null,\"HTTP_COUNTRY\":null,\"LANGUAGE\":null,\"MOBILE_DEVICE\":null,\"MOBILE_TYPE\":null,\"MOBILE_FORWARDER\":null,\"VOICE_DEVICE\":null,\"PC_REMOTE\":null,\"RULES_TRIGGERED\":0,\"COUNTERS_TRIGGERED\":0,\"REASON_CODE\":null,\"MASTERCARD\":\"\",\"DDFS\":null,\"DSR\":null,\"UAS\":null,\"BROWSER\":null,\"OS\":null,\"PIP_IPAD\":null,\"PIP_LAT\":null,\"PIP_LON\":null,\"PIP_COUNTRY\":null,\"PIP_REGION\":null,\"PIP_CITY\":null,\"PIP_ORG\":null,\"IP_IPAD\":null,\"IP_LAT\":null,\"IP_LON\":null,\"IP_COUNTRY\":null,\"IP_REGION\":null,\"IP_CITY\":null,\"IP_ORG\":null,\"WARNING_COUNT\":0}"
    "merchantId": "100039",
    "token": {
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313",
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d"
    "transactionDate": "2019-01-15T13:19:39.329Z",
    "transactionStatus": "pending",
    "transactionType": "sale"
  "userName": "",
  "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.183Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.185Z",
  "dateLastRun": "2020-04-28T18:50:04.866Z",
  "dateNextRun": "2020-07-28"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Details on the subscription schedule

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
accountId string false none Your Capstone account number
id string false none The subscription ID
payment object false none Payment information for future payments. To update this information, send a request to the Update Subscription endpoint
isAuthOnly boolean false none Will be true if future transactions are set to authorize only. Will be false if future transactions are set to authorize and capture
data object true none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
cart object false none Items purchased in the transaction
items array false none Details about items in the shopping cart
item string false none Item number or code
description string false none A description of the item
quantity integer false none The quantity sold
price number false none The price per item
type string false none The transaction type
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
orderNumber string false none The order number
birthDate string false none The customer's date of birth. The format returned matches the format used in the request that created the subscription.
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

email string false none The customer's email address
phone string false none The customer's phone number
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
orderDate string false none The date of the customer's order. The format returned matches the format used in the request.
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
customFields object false none Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey string false none You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
description string false none A description of the transaction
descriptor string false none Include this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement. If this parameter is not included, the default descriptor (as set up on the merchant account that is originating the transactions) will be used. When applicable, this information will be passed along to gateway. Contact integration support if you have any questions about this parameter
lodging object false none Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit boolean false none Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate string false none The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate string false none The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow boolean false none Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber number false none The customer's room number
roomRate number false none The room's rate, per day
tokenex object true none Card token information
token string false none The card token that will be used to process future transactions
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
processingOptions object false none Processing Options
checkFraud boolean false none Set to false to opt out of sending a request to Kount. Note: During testing you may trigger specific Kount responses by including any of the values shown here
merchantId string false none The merchant ID (MID)
paymentOptionTag string false none A custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account. Contact integration support to designate a paymentOptionTag for a given merchant account.
shouldUseFingerprint boolean false none This parameter applies when a device fingerprint was created while saving a card token. The card's stored fingerprint will be used by default, but you may choose not to use it by setting this parameter to false.

Note: To change your merchant's default setting, contact integration support
verboseResponse boolean false none Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookUrl string false none The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)
webhookFailUrl string false none The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
schedule object false none The schedule for recurring transactions
interval string false none The schedule's time period.
Possible values: day, week, month, year
intervalCount integer false none The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the subscription schedule examples table for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule.
balance integer false none The current balance of the pay plan
initialBalance integer false none The starting balance of the pay plan
duration integer false none The duration of the pay plan as defined when the pay plan was created
dateInitialBillingEnd string false none The date at which the initial billing period will end. Transactions prior to this date will be run for the initial billing amount. Transactions after this date will be run for the subscription amount
initialBillingAmount string false none The transaction amount during the initial billing period.
paymentResponse object false none The response from a successful payment. (In the case of a subscription, this is the response of the initial transaction)
amount number false none The transaction amount
authCode string false none The authorization code
card object false none Credit card information
expirationMonth string false none The month in which the card will expire
expirationYear string false none The two-digit year in which the card will expire
cardType string false none The card type. This information is required when saving a card through your own form. May be any of the following:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • discover
  • amex
cardHolder string false none The cardholder's name as it appears on the card
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
data object false none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
settlementCurrency string false none The currency in which the transaction will be settled
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
cart object false none Items purchased in the transaction
lodging object false none Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
customFields object false none Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
gatewayResponse object false none Gateway-specific information. Details will vary by gateway. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
gatewayName string false none The name of the gateway
refNumber string false none The gateway's reference number
id string false none Capstone Payment ID
kountResponse object false none Fraud data and rules
status string false none Will be one of three possible statuses: 'success', 'review', 'decline.' See our Fraud tutorial for more information
rules string false none Kount-specific information, including rules triggered. See our Fraud tutorial for more information
merchantId string false none The merchant ID through which the transaction was processed
token object false none The card token used to process the transaction
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
token string false none The TokenEx card token
transactionDate string false none The transaction date and time
transactionStatus string false none The transaction status
transactionType string false none The transaction type
userName string false none The username of the account through which the subscription was created
dateCreated string false none The date and time the subscription was created
dateLastModified string false none The date and time the subscription was last modified
dateLastRun string false none The date and time a payment in this subscription was last run
dateNextRun string false none The date a payment in this subscription is next scheduled to run

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Update Subscription

Code samples

curl -X PUT{id} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "customer": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": ""
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 95,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"

PUT /subscription/v3/{id}

Updates an existing payment subscription. Card token, currency, amount, and customer reference cannot be updated. If you need to change any of these values, delete the existing subscription and create a new one. The only user with rights to edit the subscription is the original creator.

Note: This service is in beta. Contact integration support if you would like to use this feature.

Body parameter

  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "customer": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": ""
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 95,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"


Name In Type Required Description
id path string true The subscription ID
payment body object false Payment information for future payments
isAuthOnly body boolean false
  • true: sets all future transactions to authorize only.
  • false: sets all future transactions to authorize and capture

Note: Auth only transactions run on a schedule must be captured in your own code base.
Default: The value set when the subscription was created
data body object false Transaction data
customer body object false Customer information to be used in checking fraud or sent to the processing gateway, when applicable
firstName body string false The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
lastName body string false The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice body invoice false The invoice number
orderNumber body orderNumber false The order number
birthDate body birthDate false The customer's date of birth. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2001-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2001-08-26T13:35:00Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 998854500
createdAtDate body string false The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

email body string false The customer's email address
orderDate body orderDate false The date of the customer's order. Use any of the following formats for the date:
  • Four-digit month, 2-digit month and day, separated with hyphens: YYYY-MM-DD.
    For example, 2021-08-26
  • ISO-8601 date expressed in UTC.
    For example, 2021-08-26T13:35:18Z
  • UNIX date (as an integer representing seconds).
    For example, 1630006518

Note: This is NOT a quick way to schedule a transaction. Specifying a date in the future does not cause the order to be run automatically at the indicated date or time.

phone body string false The customer's phone number
billToAddressOne body string false The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo body billToAddressTwo false Additional street address information, if required
billToCity body string false The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState body billToState false The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal body string false The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry body billToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone body billToPhone false The billing phone number
shipToAddressOne body shipToAddressOne false The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo body shipToAddressTwo false Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity body shipToCity false The shipping city
shipToState body shipToState false The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal body shipToPostal false The shipping postal code
shipToCountry body shipToCountry false The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone body shipToPhone false The shipping phone number
cart body cart false Items purchased in the transaction
items body [item] false Details about items in the shopping cart
item body itemItem false Item number or code
description body descriptionItem false A description of the item
quantity body quantity false The quantity sold
price body price false The price per item
type body transactionType false The transaction type
lodging body lodging false Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit body boolean false Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate body string false The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate body string false The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow body boolean false Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber body number false The customer's room number
roomRate body number false The room's rate, per day
customFields body customFields false Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey body string false You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
description body string false A description of the transaction
descriptor body descriptor false Include this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement. If this parameter is not included, the default descriptor (as set up on the merchant account that is originating the transactions) will be used. When applicable, this information will be passed along to gateway. Contact integration support if you have any questions about this parameter
processingOptions body object false Processing Options
checkFraud body checkFraud false Set to false to opt out of sending a request to Kount. Note: During testing you may trigger specific Kount responses by including any of the values shown here
merchantId body merchantId false The merchant ID (MID)
paymentOptionTag body paymentOptionTag false A custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account. Contact integration support to designate a paymentOptionTag for a given merchant account.
shouldUseFingerprint body shouldUseFingerprint false This parameter applies when a device fingerprint was created while saving a card token. The card's stored fingerprint will be used by default, but you may choose not to use it by setting this parameter to false.

Note: To change your merchant's default setting, contact integration support
verboseResponse body verboseResponse false Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookUrl body webhookUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)
webhookFailUrl body webhookFailUrl false The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
schedule body scheduleRequest false The schedule for recurring transactions
interval body interval false The schedule's time period.
Possible values: day, week, month, year
intervalCount body intervalCount false The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the subscription schedule examples table for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule.
balance body integer false The total amount to be charged over the course of the pay plan
duration body integer false The duration of the pay plan. This is the number of transactions that will run before the pay plan terminates. If amount is not provided the duration will also be used to calculate the amount to be charged during each transaction
dateInitialBillingEnd body dateInitialBillingEnd(date) false The date at which the initial billing period will end. Transactions prior to this date will be run for the initial billing amount. Transactions after this date will be run for the subscription amount
initialBillingAmount body initialBillingAmount false The transaction amount during the initial billing period.

Example responses

200 Response

  "customerRef": "RP006",
  "active": true,
  "accountId": "27592004",
  "id": "e80d63dd-a77b-407a-9124-42acf00740dd",
  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "amount": 29.99,
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": "",
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313"
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 0,
    "initialBalance": 50,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"
  "userName": "",
  "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.183Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.185Z",
  "dateLastRun": "2020-04-28T18:50:04.866Z",
  "dateNextRun": "2020-07-28"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Get Subscription

Code samples

curl -X GET{id} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /subscription/v3/{id}

Returns the payment information and schedule for an existing subscription.

Note: This service is in beta. Contact integration support if you would like to use this feature.


Name In Type Required Description
id path string true The subscription ID

Example responses

200 Response

  "customerRef": "RP006",
  "active": true,
  "accountId": "27592004",
  "id": "e80d63dd-a77b-407a-9124-42acf00740dd",
  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "amount": 29.99,
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": "",
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313"
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 0,
    "initialBalance": 50,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"
  "userName": "",
  "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.183Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.185Z",
  "dateLastRun": "2020-04-28T18:50:04.866Z",
  "dateNextRun": "2020-07-28"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Delete Subscription

Code samples

curl -X DELETE{id} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

DELETE /subscription/v3/{id}

Deletes an existing payment subscription.

Note: This service is in beta. Contact integration support if you would like to use this feature.


Name In Type Required Description
id path string true The subscription ID

Example responses

200 Response

  "customerRef": "RP006",
  "active": true,
  "accountId": "27592004",
  "id": "e80d63dd-a77b-407a-9124-42acf00740dd",
  "payment": {
    "isAuthOnly": true,
    "data": {
      "amount": 29.99,
      "cart": {
        "items": [
            "item": "913261",
            "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
            "quantity": 8,
            "price": 16.49,
            "type": "sale"
      "currency": "USD",
      "customer": {
        "customerRef": "RP006",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "invoice": "IN0001",
        "orderNumber": "210058A",
        "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
        "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1555555555",
        "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
        "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
        "billToCity": "Scranton",
        "billToState": "PA",
        "billToPostal": "18503",
        "billToCountry": "US",
        "billToPhone": "1555555555",
        "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
        "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
        "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
        "shipToCity": "Scranton",
        "shipToState": "PA",
        "shipToPostal": "18505",
        "shipToCountry": "US",
        "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
      "customFields": {
        "exampleKey": "Example string"
      "description": "test purchase",
      "descriptor": "",
      "lodging": {
        "advanceDeposit": true,
        "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
        "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
        "noShow": false,
        "roomNumber": 14,
        "roomRate": 143.99
    "tokenex": {
      "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
      "firstSix": "479300",
      "lastFour": "3313"
    "processingOptions": {
      "checkFraud": false,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
      "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
      "verboseResponse": true,
      "webhookUrl": "",
      "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "month",
    "intervalCount": 0,
    "balance": 0,
    "initialBalance": 50,
    "duration": 5,
    "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
    "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"
  "userName": "",
  "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.183Z",
  "dateLastModified": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.185Z",
  "dateLastRun": "2020-04-28T18:50:04.866Z",
  "dateNextRun": "2020-07-28"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Get Customer Subscriptions

Code samples

curl -X GET{customerRef} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /subscription/v3/customerRef/{customerRef}

Returns a list of subscriptions for a given customer reference.


Name In Type Required Description
customerRef path string true The customer reference

Example responses

200 Response

    "customerRef": "RP006",
    "active": true,
    "accountId": "27592004",
    "id": "e80d63dd-a77b-407a-9124-42acf00740dd",
    "payment": {
      "isAuthOnly": true,
      "data": {
        "amount": 29.99,
        "cart": {
          "items": [
              "item": "913261",
              "description": "Hammermill Premium 8.5 x 11 Color Copy Paper, 28 lbs. 500/Ream",
              "quantity": 8,
              "price": 16.49,
              "type": "sale"
        "currency": "USD",
        "customer": {
          "customerRef": "RP006",
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Doe",
          "invoice": "IN0001",
          "orderNumber": "210058A",
          "birthDate": "1990-12-05",
          "createdAtDate": "2005-03-01",
          "email": "",
          "phone": "1555555555",
          "billToAddressOne": "2147 West Silverlake Drive",
          "billToAddressTwo": "Apt 42",
          "billToCity": "Scranton",
          "billToState": "PA",
          "billToPostal": "18503",
          "billToCountry": "US",
          "billToPhone": "1555555555",
          "orderDate": "2021-08-26",
          "shipToAddressOne": "1725 Slough Avenue",
          "shipToAddressTwo": "Suite 200",
          "shipToCity": "Scranton",
          "shipToState": "PA",
          "shipToPostal": "18505",
          "shipToCountry": "US",
          "shipToPhone": "1555555555"
        "customFields": {
          "exampleKey": "Example string"
        "description": "test purchase",
        "descriptor": "",
        "lodging": {
          "advanceDeposit": true,
          "checkInDate": "2018-12-31",
          "checkOutDate": "2019-01-05",
          "noShow": false,
          "roomNumber": 14,
          "roomRate": 143.99
      "tokenex": {
        "token": "6ee140a0-05d1-4958-8325-b38a690dbb9d",
        "firstSix": "479300",
        "lastFour": "3313"
      "processingOptions": {
        "checkFraud": false,
        "merchantId": "100039",
        "paymentOptionTag": "switch",
        "shouldUseFingerprint": true,
        "verboseResponse": true,
        "webhookUrl": "",
        "webhookFailUrl": "The URL provided in <code>webhookUrl</code>"
    "schedule": {
      "interval": "month",
      "intervalCount": 0,
      "balance": 0,
      "initialBalance": 50,
      "duration": 5,
      "dateInitialBillingEnd": "2021-06-01",
      "initialBillingAmount": "8.99"
    "userName": "",
    "dateCreated": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.183Z",
    "dateLastModified": "2020-04-28T19:19:33.185Z",
    "dateLastRun": "2020-04-28T18:50:04.866Z",
    "dateNextRun": "2020-07-28"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

An array of subscription objects

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous array false none An array of subscription objects
customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
active boolean false none Will be true if the subscription is currently active
accountId string false none Your Capstone account number
id string false none The subscription ID
payment object false none Payment information for future payments
isAuthOnly boolean false none Will be true if future transactions are set to only authorize. Will be false if future transactions are scheduled to authorize and capture
data object true none Transaction data
amount number false none The transaction amount
cart object false none Items purchased in the transaction
items array false none Details about items in the shopping cart
item string false none Item number or code
description string false none A description of the item
quantity integer false none The quantity sold
price number false none The price per item
type string false none The transaction type
currency string false none The three-character ISO currency code for the transaction.
customer object false none Customer information returned when checking fraud or from the processing gateway, when applicable.
customerRef string false none Customer identifier. You can use this field to pass a customer ID to the gateway or APM or to manage user subscriptions
firstName string false none The customer's first name, as it appears on the credit card
lastName string false none The customer's last name, as it appears on the credit card
invoice string false none The invoice number
orderNumber string false none The order number
birthDate string false none The customer's date of birth. The format returned matches the format used in the request that created the subscription.
createdAtDate string false none The date the customer was created in your system. Standard ISO date format.

Note: This information is only used to allow you to more fully customize your fraud rules. Capstone does not store this data

email string false none The customer's email address
phone string false none The customer's phone number
billToAddressOne string false none The street address on file with the credit card provider
billToAddressTwo string false none Additional street address information, if required
billToCity string false none The city on file with the credit card provider
billToState string false none The state or province on file with the credit card provider. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
billToPostal string false none The postal code on file with the credit card provider
billToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
billToPhone string false none The billing phone number
orderDate string false none The date of the customer's order. The format returned matches the format used in the request.
shipToAddressOne string false none The shipping address, if different from the billing address
shipToAddressTwo string false none Additional shipping address information, if required
shipToCity string false none The shipping city
shipToState string false none The shipping state or province. (If in the US, this must be the two-character state abbreviation)
shipToPostal string false none The shipping postal code
shipToCountry string false none The two-character (Alpha-2) ISO country code
shipToPhone string false none The shipping phone number
customFields object false none Custom fields that can be used to pass additional strings along to the gateway. These fields will not be stored by Capstone.
  • Do not use custom fields to store sensitive data.
  • Some information may be escaped and may not be usable in custom fields.
exampleKey string false none You may use any key as a custom field. Values must be strings.
description string false none A description of the transaction
descriptor string false none Include this parameter to dynamically change the descriptor on the customer's statement. If this parameter is not included, the default descriptor (as set up on the merchant account that is originating the transactions) will be used. When applicable, this information will be passed along to gateway. Contact integration support if you have any questions about this parameter
lodging object false none Lodging data (related to hotels, motels, inns, etc.)
advanceDeposit boolean false none Set to true if the customer paid a deposit in advance of their reservation
checkInDate string false none The customer's check in date in standard ISO date format
checkOutDate string false none The customer's check out date in standard ISO date format
noShow boolean false none Set to true if the customer failed to show up to their reservation
roomNumber number false none The customer's room number
roomRate number false none The room's rate, per day
tokenex object true none Card token information
token string false none The card token that will be used to process future transactions
firstSix string false none The first six digits of the card number
lastFour string false none The last four digits of the card number
processingOptions object false none Processing Options
checkFraud boolean false none Set to false to opt out of sending a request to Kount. Note: During testing you may trigger specific Kount responses by including any of the values shown here
merchantId string false none The merchant ID (MID)
paymentOptionTag string false none A custom value used to route transactions to a specific gateway or merchant account. Contact integration support to designate a paymentOptionTag for a given merchant account.
shouldUseFingerprint boolean false none This parameter applies when a device fingerprint was created while saving a card token. The card's stored fingerprint will be used by default, but you may choose not to use it by setting this parameter to false.

Note: To change your merchant's default setting, contact integration support
verboseResponse boolean false none Set to true to include additional information in the response
webhookUrl string false none The URL to which Capstone will send the results of the transaction. (If not provided you will need to use the results of the HTTP request, either from the browser or your server)
webhookFailUrl string false none The URL to which Capstone will send the results of a failed transaction
schedule object false none The schedule for recurring transactions
interval string false none The schedule's time period.
Possible values: day, week, month, year
intervalCount integer false none The number of intervals that will pass between transactions. See the subscription schedule examples table for examples of how the interval and interval count create the subscription schedule.
balance integer false none The current balance of the pay plan
initialBalance integer false none The starting balance of the pay plan
duration integer false none The duration of the pay plan as defined when the pay plan was created
dateInitialBillingEnd string false none The date at which the initial billing period will end. Transactions prior to this date will be run for the initial billing amount. Transactions after this date will be run for the subscription amount
initialBillingAmount string false none The transaction amount during the initial billing period.
userName string false none The username of the account through which the subscription was created
dateCreated string false none The date and time the subscription was created
dateLastModified string false none The date and time the subscription was last modified
dateLastRun string false none The date and time a payment in this subscription was last run
dateNextRun string false none The date a payment in this subscription is next scheduled to run

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Reporting API Reference


Deposit Summary

Code samples

curl -X GET \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /ach/v3

Returns a summary of all deposits with the given range.


Name In Type Required Description
limit query integer false The number of deposit summaries to return
offset query integer false The offset. Used to view deposit summaries further along the list
startDate query string false The start date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
endDate query string false The end date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
merchantIds query string false A list of merchant IDs

Example responses

200 Response

  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 1,
  "rows": [
      "id": 3742052,
      "merchantId": "100039",
      "date": "2019-02-05",
      "dda": "*****5132",
      "amount": 4.92,
      "currencyId": "840",
      "createdAt": "2019-02-07T14:04:03.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2019-02-07T14:04:03.000Z",
      "processor": {
        "id": 0,
        "originalId": 0,
        "processorType": 0
      "details": [
          "achDetailId": "MTAtNDE0MTQ0MS0xOTAyMTAtNTEzNDg1MDAwMzQ3MDEz",
          "type": 0,
          "thirdPartyFundedAmount": 0,
          "amount": 40.99,
          "currencyId": "840",
          "achSummaryId": 0,
          "processor": {
            "id": 1120391,
            "originalId": 8010050,
            "processorType": 0,
            "batchRef": "10000002711",
            "achDetailId": "MTAtNDE0MTQ0MS0xOTAyMTAtNTEzNDg1MDAwMzQ3MDEz"
  "hasMore": true


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
offset integer false none The number of rows by which the data is offset
limit integer false none The limit on the number of rows
rows array false none An array of deposit summary objects
id integer false none A deposit summary ID
merchantId string true none The merchant ID
date string true none none
dda string false none The last four digits of the account number to which the ACH was deposited
amount number true none none
currencyId string true none none
createdAt string true none The date and time at which the deposit summary was created
updatedAt string true none The date and time at which the deposit summary was last updated
processor object false none Processor-specific information
id integer true none none
originalId integer true none none
processorType integer true none none
details array false none The details corresponding to this deposit
achDetailId string false none The deposit detail ID
type integer true none none
thirdPartyFundedAmount number false none none
amount number true none The deposit detail amount
currencyId string true none none
achSummaryId integer false none none
processor object false none Processor-specific information. Details will vary by processor. Do NOT code to any information included in this object
id integer true none none
originalId integer true none The original ID from the process
processorType integer true none The Capstone-assigned processor type
batchRef string false none The processor's batch reference number
achDetailId string false none The deposit detail ID
hasMore boolean false none Will be true if there are more records not included in the current response

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Dev Tools API Reference

Webhook Service

Merchant Configuration

Code samples

curl -X GET{id} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /webhook/v3/config/{id}

Returns a merchant's webhook configuration.


Name In Type Required Description
id path string true The merchant ID

Example responses

200 Response

  "dateCreated": "2019-03-22T16:58:51.957Z",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""
      "url": ""
  "merchantName": "My Company",
  "dateLastModified": "2019-04-04T18:54:58.011Z",
  "merchantId": "100039"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Configure Merchant

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "merchantId": "100039",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""

POST /webhook/v3/config

Configures URLs for a merchant's webhooks to be sent.

Body parameter

  "merchantId": "100039",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""


Name In Type Required Description
merchantId body string true The merchant ID to configure the webhook service
webhooks body object true none
TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED body object false An object containing the webhook URL. Click here to see a possible list of keys.
url body string false The URL to which the webhook will be sent

Example responses

200 Response

  "merchantId": "100039",
  "webhooks": {
      "url": ""
      "url": ""
  "dateLastModified": "2019-04-04T18:54:58.011Z",
  "dateCreated": "2019-03-22T16:58:51.957Z"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
merchantId string false none The merchant ID
webhooks object false none A list of all the webhooks currently configured. Keys are the webhook event types
TRANSACTION_AUTHORIZED object false none Webhook will be sent when a transaction is authorized
url string false none The URL to which the webhook will be sent when a transaction has been authorized
TRANSACTION_CAPTURED object false none Webhook will be sent when a transaction is captured
url string false none The URL to which the webhook will be sent when a transaction has been captured
dateLastModified string false none The date and time the configuration was last modified
dateCreated string false none The date and time the configuration was created

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Merchant Secret

Code samples

curl -X GET{id} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'

GET /webhook/v3/secret/{id}

Returns the merchant secret to be used in webhooks.


Name In Type Required Description
id path string true The merchant ID

Example responses

200 Response

  "secret": "446946d5-bdd9-48c7-9504-0459d19c08e5"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
secret string false none The merchant secret to be used in verifying the webhook's signature

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request

Create Merchant Secret

Code samples

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'
  -d '{
  "merchantId": "100039"

POST /webhook/v3/secret

Creates a merchant secret to be used in webhooks.

Body parameter

  "merchantId": "100039"


Name In Type Required Description
merchantId body string true The merchant ID to configure the webhook service

Example responses

200 Response

  "secret": "446946d5-bdd9-48c7-9504-0459d19c08e5"


Status Meaning Description
200 OK Success
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized

Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
secret string false none The merchant secret to be used in verifying the webhook's signature

Status Code 401

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
message string false none A message from Capstone about the state of the request